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Презентация на тему Traditions at the wedding caucasian

Traditions at the wedding CaucasianThe new house wife should enter with the right foot, always with the face covered. bride's head is usually sprinkled with candy or coins, which should ensure the well-being in the financial
Traditions at the wedding CaucasianThe new house wife should enter with the Most earnestly abide wedding traditions and customs in rural areas. And in Caucasus - the geographical area, predominantly mountainous country in Eurasia, located south How many days a wedding in the Caucasus?Well, after three days of
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Traditions at the wedding Caucasian
The new house wife

Traditions at the wedding CaucasianThe new house wife should enter with

should enter with the right foot, always with the

face covered. bride's head is usually sprinkled with candy or coins, which should ensure the well-being in the financial plan.

Слайд 3 Most earnestly abide wedding traditions and customs in

Most earnestly abide wedding traditions and customs in rural areas. And

rural areas. And in wedding rituals clearly show respect

for their elders. For example, in the Caucasus totally accepted phenomenon, when a younger sister or brother play before the wedding older.

Слайд 4 Caucasus - the geographical area, predominantly mountainous country

Caucasus - the geographical area, predominantly mountainous country in Eurasia, located

in Eurasia, located south of the East European Plain,

on the border of Europe and Asia, which covers the territory of Russia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Limited to the Black Sea in the west, the Caspian Sea to the east.

Слайд 5 How many days a wedding in the Caucasus?

How many days a wedding in the Caucasus?Well, after three days

after three days of general fun, where the tables

are crammed with a variety of dishes, and the walls are shaking from rampant lezginka. Caucasian toasts at weddings - another rite which are fluent in virtually all freedom-loving people of the mountains.

  • Имя файла: traditions-at-the-wedding-caucasian.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 97
  • Количество скачиваний: 0