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Презентация на тему Викторина Masha and the Bear

Masha and the Bear is an animated television series based loosely on the Russian folk … , "Masha and the Bear".tale
Masha and the BearАвтор:Ольга Михайловна Степановаучитель английского языка МБОУ «Цивильская СОШ №1 Masha and the Bear is an animated television series based loosely on The series focuses on the adventures of a little … named Masha and an anthropomorphic bear.girl Masha is depicted as a precocious, happy, kind, and mischievous little girl, There are a number of supporting characters You can meet a young panda cub who is the Bear's … There is a rabbit, squirrels and hedgehogs, two wolves who live near Masha, her cousin and Father Frost are the only characters who speak. Many of the episodes have proved popular on video-sharing website YouTube; in The other episodes with over 200 million views are: The most popular episodes are Masha is a Russian girl who lives in the … with her All the … in the forest are afraid of her as she One morning, Masha sees a … and inadvertently follows it inside the While playing there, she makes a big mess. When the bear returns, The bear tries to get rid of Masha, but he is unsuccessful, Источник:Masha and the Bear  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masha_and_the_Bear Изображения: https://printmod.ru/forum/uploads/monthly_11_2012/post-1015-0-70072800-1354000044.jpghttp://stat.tv.24.hu/images/pe/2549/254821_176x129.jpghttps://icdn.lenta.ru/images/2018/12/10/13/20181210131429466/detail_28d36e853f6b7b3f510bc04e83b79b17.jpghttps://p4.tabor.ru/feed/2018-01-12/18437847/783069_760x500.jpghttps://api.kinohod.ru/o/b4/ae/b4aee30c-07be-4442-8ffb-f7030c8e2b4e.jpghttps://npvua.com/ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/masha-i-medved-masha-and-the-bear-dyshite-ne-dyshite-22-seriya-480x280.jpghttp://www.odeon.si/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/masainmedved-01-l.jpghttp://s.66.ru/photos/1/22/47/4ffcfbb83e1b7.jpghttp://www.geodomehome.org/images/kartun-masha-and-the-bear-naranua__aHR0cDovLzMuYnAuYmxvZ3Nwb3QuY29tLy0xNEExRGRrNGp4OC9VMC1ySWhfMzRKSS9BQUFBQUFBQU01cy80d3dUNFZVRlRQTS9zMTYwMC9NYXNoYTA5LmpwZw==.jpghttp://i.artfile.ru/1600x1200_356437_[www.ArtFile.ru].jpghttp://kids-dl11.4kids.mts.ru/get/content_cover/ce340393602dad34c9d1269259d923e7/309x245o/image.jpghttp://multoigri.ru/images/wiki/content/wiki-masha-i-medved_07.jpghttps://programma-peredach.com/img/sh2/572.jpghttps://s0.tchkcdn.com/g-dhsJ4-s1LHzNY2NcKnxjOg/4/20585/640x640/w/0/b3eff71e45f860ab468ea0ccd5c6bd5c_zhu.jpghttps://7zabav.club/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/44-398.jpghttp://www.postholder.ru/images/posts/img/masha-i-medved-istoriya-multfilma-12-foto_7.jpghttps://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/1651533/92afd9b3-62bc-4049-829e-41986ae96852/s600https://pa1.narvii.com/6906/62e402e28405e6fd1141f0bcd2d9b624c7d65fear1-279-150_hq.gif
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Masha and the Bear is an animated television

Masha and the Bear is an animated television series based loosely

series based loosely on the Russian folk … ,

"Masha and the Bear".


Слайд 3 The series focuses on the adventures of a

The series focuses on the adventures of a little … named Masha and an anthropomorphic bear.girl

little … named Masha and an anthropomorphic bear.

Слайд 4 Masha is depicted as a precocious, happy, kind,

Masha is depicted as a precocious, happy, kind, and mischievous little

and mischievous little girl, while the bear is a

fatherly retired circus performer that tries to keep Masha out of trouble but often ends up the unintended … of her mischief.


Слайд 5 There are a number of supporting characters

There are a number of supporting characters

in the series, including Masha's cousin, a … adopted by the Bear


Слайд 6 You can meet a young panda cub who

You can meet a young panda cub who is the Bear's

is the Bear's … , a tiger that worked

with the bear in the circus, and a female bear that is the object of the bear's affections.


Слайд 7 There is a rabbit, squirrels and hedgehogs, two

There is a rabbit, squirrels and hedgehogs, two wolves who live

wolves who live near the bear's house, and a

pig, goat, and dog who live in Masha's front … .


Слайд 8 Masha, her cousin and Father Frost are the

Masha, her cousin and Father Frost are the only characters who

only characters who speak. The others communicate through

pantomime or wordless … .


Слайд 9 Many of the episodes have proved popular on

Many of the episodes have proved popular on video-sharing website YouTube;

video-sharing website YouTube; in particular, "Recipe For … "

has received over 1.14 billion views, making it the site's thirteenth most viewed video of all time.


Слайд 10 The other episodes with over 200 million views

The other episodes with over 200 million views are:

are: "Laundry Day", with over 450 million views; "Bon

Appètit", with over 420 million views; "La Dolce … ", with over 380 million views.


Слайд 11 The most popular episodes are "Two Much",

The most popular episodes are

with over 290 million views; "Little Cousin", with over

260 million views; "Hocus-Pocus", with over 250 million views and "One, Two, Three! Light the Christmas … !", with over 230 million views.


Слайд 12 Masha is a Russian girl who lives in

Masha is a Russian girl who lives in the … with

the … with her pig, goat and dog.

Слайд 13 All the … in the forest are afraid

All the … in the forest are afraid of her as

of her as she forces them to play

with her.


Слайд 14 One morning, Masha sees a … and inadvertently

One morning, Masha sees a … and inadvertently follows it inside

follows it inside the home of a bear who

has gone fishing.


Слайд 15 While playing there, she makes a big mess.

While playing there, she makes a big mess. When the bear

When the bear returns, he sees the … caused

by Masha.


Слайд 16 The bear tries to get rid of Masha,

The bear tries to get rid of Masha, but he is

but he is unsuccessful, and he and Masha

become … .


  • Имя файла: viktorina-masha-and-the-bear.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 108
  • Количество скачиваний: 0