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Презентация на тему Автомобиль будущего

Many represent, what will the car of the future, how it will look like and who will manage them: man or electronics. On the way to the man behind the wheel, and the task of engineers-pass
«The car of the future»1T-1A Timur Rasulov Many represent, what will the car of the future, how it will What kind of engine is in the car of the future? Internal combustion engine will no longer play a central, critical role in Will develop hydrogen cars?Over the past two decades, the world is gripped Gasoline and diesel remain the main fuels?Even fifteen years ago experts from Who or what will drive a car?Whether we're driving machines of the What a change inside the cabin?  The next step in the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Many represent, what will the car of the

Many represent, what will the car of the future, how it

future, how it will look like and who will

manage them: man or electronics. On the way to the man behind the wheel, and the task of engineers-pass control electronics. This is the only way to achieve stated objectives.

Слайд 3 What kind of engine is in the car

What kind of engine is in the car of the future?

of the future? According to the head of the

Department of innovation firm Ricardo to 2040, most machines will "electrified".

Слайд 4 Internal combustion engine will no longer play a

Internal combustion engine will no longer play a central, critical role

central, critical role in drive the car. Its task

would be to support electric motor. The engine is likely to be less, will get a Turbo or electric pressurization and become more efficient. Promising are Stirling engines, engines with divided loop and multifuel engines.

Слайд 5 Will develop hydrogen cars?
Over the past two decades,

Will develop hydrogen cars?Over the past two decades, the world is

the world is gripped by the idea of electric

vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell. They provide high efficiency and environmental performance of the vehicle.
According to experts, if the infrastructure of hydrogen business model will work, the automakers will become more serious treat hydrogen transport and to the year 2040 will have tens of millions of hydrogen cars. The basic betting specialists make the leaders in the industry: Toyota, Honda and Hyundai

Слайд 6 Gasoline and diesel remain the main fuels?
Even fifteen

Gasoline and diesel remain the main fuels?Even fifteen years ago experts

years ago experts from the petroleum industry warned the

year 2040 to extract oil will become very expensive, and some petroleum sources runs out. Today, information desk, not pessimistic. According to estimates by different organizations, oil and gas reserves in the world are disastrously small to very large. But it is clear that in the near future gasoline and diesel will remain the main fuels. Also be used alcohol and gas derived from plants and biomass

Слайд 7 Who or what will drive a car?
Whether we're

Who or what will drive a car?Whether we're driving machines of

driving machines of the future or they will manage

themselves? Probably will be combined both versions, and today all the major manufacturers are working on cars with autopilot.
To 2020 year on serial machines are automatic parking function and autonomous driving in the lane line.
By the year 2040, vehicles will be fully autonomous, such as for remote invocation of the car, or traveling long distances.

  • Имя файла: avtomobil-budushchego.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 267
  • Количество скачиваний: 15