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Презентация на тему о теме Калифорния

STATESYMBOLS Coat of ArmsSeal Nickname: The Golden StateMotto: “EUREKA”
CALIFORNIA STATESYMBOLS Coat of ArmsSeal Nickname: The Golden StateMotto: “EUREKA” Population: 39 144 818 people Area: 423 970 km^2  Capital: Sacramento HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA   The Russians arrive in California in the In 1808-1809 and 1811 Kuskov’s (1765-1823) expeditions choose the territory Fort Ross1812 - 1841   This Russian colony on the coast The Spanish and the Mexicans wanted Russia to leave The Indians gave their territory to Russia, in return The settlement was not profitable for the Russian-American company. Silicon Valley  In Silicon Valley there are many high-tech companies that University Of San JoseUniversity Of Santa ClaraStanford UniversityUniversity of California. People of Silicon Valley Hollywood district in Los Angeles is important for the Bollywood – the Indian film industry in Mumbai (ex-Bombay), named after Bombay + Hollywood. National ParksYosemite National Park Park Redwood Death Valley Joshua Tree Sequoia Thank you!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Coat of Arms
The Golden State

STATESYMBOLS Coat of ArmsSeal Nickname: The Golden StateMotto: “EUREKA”


Слайд 3 Population: 39 144 818 people
Area: 423 970

Population: 39 144 818 people Area: 423 970 km^2 Capital: Sacramento


Capital: Sacramento

The Russians arrive

HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA  The Russians arrive in California in the

in California in the middle of the XVIII —

early XIX centuries.
In 1734-1743 Vitus Bering creates trading bases along the North-West coast of America.

Слайд 5 In 1808-1809 and 1811 Kuskov’s (1765-1823)

In 1808-1809 and 1811 Kuskov’s (1765-1823) expeditions choose the territory

expeditions choose the territory for the Fort Ross settlement.

This settlement was active between 1812-1841.
This place was called “Russian America”.

Слайд 6 Fort Ross
1812 - 1841
This Russian

Fort Ross1812 - 1841  This Russian colony on the coast

colony on the coast of Northern California was founded

in 1812 by the “Russian-American Company” for fur trade.

Слайд 7 The Spanish and the Mexicans

The Spanish and the Mexicans wanted Russia to leave

wanted Russia to leave the territory of California. It

was unsuccessful. The Mexicans and the Spanish were not aggressive.
Mexico was going to officially recognize Fort Ross as Russian colony. But in return Russia should recognize Mexico as a country. Nicholas I said “No!”.

Слайд 8 The Indians gave their territory

The Indians gave their territory to Russia, in return

to Russia, in return Russia gave the Indians gifts,

and the chief was awarded with the “Allied Russia” medal.

Слайд 9 The settlement was not profitable

The settlement was not profitable for the Russian-American company.

for the Russian-American company.
And in 1841

Fort Ross was sold to an American, John Sutter, the founder of the New Helvetia settlement.

1848 - New Helvetia -> Sacramento (the capital of CA)

Слайд 10 Silicon Valley
In Silicon Valley there are

Silicon Valley In Silicon Valley there are many high-tech companies that

many high-tech companies that make computers and computer parts.

There are headquarters of the companies:
Electronic Arts

Слайд 11 University Of San Jose
University Of Santa Clara
Stanford University

University Of San JoseUniversity Of Santa ClaraStanford UniversityUniversity of California.

of California.

Слайд 12 People of Silicon Valley

People of Silicon Valley

Слайд 13 Hollywood district in Los Angeles

Hollywood district in Los Angeles is important for the

is important for the American film industry, because there

are lots of film studios in this area. Many famous movie stars live there.

Слайд 14 Bollywood – the Indian film industry in Mumbai

Bollywood – the Indian film industry in Mumbai (ex-Bombay), named after Bombay + Hollywood.

(ex-Bombay), named after Bombay + Hollywood.

Слайд 15 National Parks
Yosemite National Park

National ParksYosemite National Park

Слайд 16 Park Redwood

Park Redwood

Слайд 17 Death Valley

Death Valley

Слайд 18 Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree

Слайд 19 Sequoia


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-o-teme-kaliforniya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 252
  • Количество скачиваний: 2