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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Береги природу родного края

Nature – the only book where every page is full of deep content. By Goethe
Take care of nature of your placeМалыгина Александраученица 8 класса МБОУ Ягубовской Nature – the only book where I live in a quiet village surrounded Every season has its fine days and is pleasant in its When summer comes, it’s very hot; Autumn is the season of the harvest, the season of apples Our native land is rich in berries and mushrooms My native land in winter. What a beautiful sight! Our land is rich in forests, rivers, lakes, fields and meadows. We I admire the picturesque landscape of mother nature. The Pyana  This is a very peculiar river of the region, Lake KarasnoyeUnique monument of nature. The lake is irregular in shape, with Bornukovskaya CaveNear the village of Bornukovo there is a natural monument Bornukovskaya Lake ChembasovskoyeLake Chembasovskoye is a natural monument.It is located near the village Animal’s worldOur native land’s fauna is extremely rich, numbering great amounts of Don’t cut wild flowers!Many people like to pick up wild flowers. But If you care about your planet, don't make it dirty If you We want our home to be clean and beautiful. The environment is all the things we need to be able to English writer John Galsworthy said:” If you don’t think about the future Презентацию выполнила Малыгина Александра, ученица 8 класса МБОУ Ягубовской СОШРуководитель – Рыбина fhgrfjtttyjy8uyijThank you for your attention! http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6213/45449065.16a/0_8a467_b3d01d6d_XL   березаhttp://mirsimpatov.net/public/album_photo/fb/86/8675_2ded.jpg?c=5769 фонhttp://ust-kut.ru/forum/attachments/bereza_belaia.jpg фонИсточники
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Nature – the

Nature – the only book where  every

only book where every page is full

of deep content.
By Goethe

Слайд 3 I live in

I live in a quiet village surrounded by

a quiet village surrounded by fields and woods. The

countryside around the village is green, with fertile fields and rich vegetation. Not far from the village flows a beautiful river. It’s lovely for swimming. The fishing is said to be excellent, too.
I live in a unique place. There are a lot of natural monuments such as Bornukovskaya Cave, Lake Chembasovskoye, Lake Karasnoye.
I think my village is a place for those people who are looking for peace and a lovely rural environment.

Слайд 4 Every season has its fine days and is

Every season has its fine days and is pleasant in

pleasant in its own way. And it is not

difficult to see this beauty.

When spring is here, the world is new

The grass is green, the sky is blue.

Слайд 5 When summer comes, it’s very hot;

When summer comes, it’s very hot;

We can play and

swim a lot

Слайд 6 Autumn is the season of the harvest, the

Autumn is the season of the harvest, the season of apples

season of apples

Слайд 7 Our native land is rich in berries and

Our native land is rich in berries and mushrooms


Слайд 8 My native land in winter. What a beautiful sight!

My native land in winter. What a beautiful sight!

Слайд 9 Our land is rich in forests, rivers, lakes,

Our land is rich in forests, rivers, lakes, fields and meadows.

fields and meadows. We want to see blue rivers, green

trees, and clear sky.

The Pyana

Lake Karasnoye

Слайд 10 I admire the picturesque landscape of mother nature.

I admire the picturesque landscape of mother nature.

Слайд 11 The Pyana
This is a very peculiar

The Pyana This is a very peculiar river of the region,

river of the region, it is extremely tortuous. The

river is 436 km long. It is the tributary of the Sura River. River banks contain numerous karst caves. Pyana is remarkable by its shape: it runs to the north-west and then turns 180° south-east making a nearly closed loop before turning north and merging with the Sura.
The river flows through eight southern districts of the region. The basin area of the river more than 8 thousand sq. km.

Слайд 12 Lake Karasnoye
Unique monument of nature. The lake is

Lake KarasnoyeUnique monument of nature. The lake is irregular in shape,

irregular in shape, with a rugged coastline, with an

area of 36 hectares. It has a unique coastal and aquatic vegetation, rare wildlife.
In the lake it is found several species of fish, especially it is rich in carp, hence.

Слайд 13 Bornukovskaya Cave
Near the village of Bornukovo there is

Bornukovskaya CaveNear the village of Bornukovo there is a natural monument

a natural monument Bornukovskaya Cave.
The cave is composed mostly

of sulfate and carbonate rocks.
There is a stone – cutting factory in the village.

Слайд 14 Lake Chembasovskoye
Lake Chembasovskoye is a natural monument.
It is

Lake ChembasovskoyeLake Chembasovskoye is a natural monument.It is located near the

located near the village of Chembasovo.
The surface area is

37 hectares.
Rare aquatic and semi- aquatic birds are nested on the lake.

Слайд 15 Animal’s world
Our native land’s fauna is extremely rich,

Animal’s worldOur native land’s fauna is extremely rich, numbering great amounts

numbering great amounts of various mammals species, species of

birds and fishes

Слайд 16 Don’t cut wild flowers!
Many people like to pick

Don’t cut wild flowers!Many people like to pick up wild flowers.

up wild flowers. But the problem is that they

may all disappear.

Слайд 17 If you care about your planet, don't make

If you care about your planet, don't make it dirty If

it dirty
If you throw a glass bottle on the

ground it will litter the Earth forever. Aluminum cans and plastic bottles last up to 500 years. Tin cans last 100 years.
Litter is not only ugly, but it can be harmful to wild life. Small animals can get hurt on sharps cans or broken bottles.

Don't leave plastic bags, bottles, cans, newspapers in the forests.

Слайд 18 We want our home to be clean and

We want our home to be clean and beautiful.

Every year we take part in Cleaning Day

rake leaves, collect the garbage.

Pick up the litter if you see it

Слайд 19 The environment is all the things we need

The environment is all the things we need to be able

to be able to live - clean water to

drink , air to breathe and healthy food to eat.

We can’t live without
plants and animals.
They help to make the
soil, they clean the
water and air, and they give us all our

Слайд 20 English writer John Galsworthy said:” If you don’t

English writer John Galsworthy said:” If you don’t think about the

think about the future you will not have it”

that the future is in our hands.

Слайд 21 Презентацию выполнила Малыгина Александра, ученица 8 класса МБОУ

Презентацию выполнила Малыгина Александра, ученица 8 класса МБОУ Ягубовской СОШРуководитель –

Ягубовской СОШ
Руководитель – Рыбина Ю.В., учитель английского языка

I квалификационной категории МБОУ Ягубовской СОШ
Консультант – Верхолетова Т.П., завуч МБОУ Ягубовской СОШ
В презентации использованы фотографии из семейного альбома семьи Малыгиных
Для музыкального сопровождения использована мелодия Yiruma – Kiss the Rain ( from the yellow room)

Слайд 22 fhgrfjtttyjy8uyij
Thank you for your attention!

fhgrfjtttyjy8uyijThank you for your attention!

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