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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Young people-old problems Кузовлев 10 класс

Warming-up activitiesHow many Russian teenagers have drinking problems?How many Russian children run away from home every day?How many Russian children die every day?Do young people share information and experience with their parents?Is the problem of love
Is it easy to be young?Young people – old problems Warming-up activitiesHow many Russian teenagers have drinking problems?How many Russian children run Phonetic activityAlcoholGovernment surveyTo choose the lifestyleMisunderstandingTo get upsetTo be sent to prisonAlcohol Lexical activity (SB ex.1 p.114/ ex.3 p.116) find the equivalentsОтчетыКриминальные действияБыть зависимымБыть Grammar activities (Present / Past Simple Passive)Present Simple PassiveAm/is/are + V3(ed)Past Simple PassiveWas/were+ V3(ed) Fill in the verb is or are.Grammar rules ... always learnt by Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the Fill in the gaps using the Present Simple Passive Voice form of  Put the passive sentences in order.in a lot of schools / are Fill in the verb in the Past Active or Passive Voice.The Cape Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple PassiveThis Write sentences. Use the past simple passive.my laptop / steal / last
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Warming-up activities
How many Russian teenagers have drinking problems?

Warming-up activitiesHow many Russian teenagers have drinking problems?How many Russian children

many Russian children run away from home every day?

many Russian children die every day?
Do young people share information and experience with their parents?
Is the problem of love very important for young people?
Do you often quarrel with parents?

Слайд 3 Phonetic activity
Government survey
To choose the lifestyle
To get upset

Phonetic activityAlcoholGovernment surveyTo choose the lifestyleMisunderstandingTo get upsetTo be sent to

be sent to prison
Alcohol addiction
The changes of our society

of good life
To be depressed
To have an experience with
To run away from home

Слайд 4 Lexical activity (SB ex.1 p.114/ ex.3 p.116) find

Lexical activity (SB ex.1 p.114/ ex.3 p.116) find the equivalentsОтчетыКриминальные действияБыть

the equivalents
Криминальные действия
Быть зависимым
Быть объединенным с
Получать заботу
Неспособность, инвалидность
Сделать аборт

Тюрьмы для взрослых
Относиться ужасно
Иметь свободу выбора
Преодолевать трудности

Слайд 5 Grammar activities (Present / Past Simple Passive)
Present Simple

Grammar activities (Present / Past Simple Passive)Present Simple PassiveAm/is/are + V3(ed)Past Simple PassiveWas/were+ V3(ed)

Am/is/are + V3(ed)

Past Simple Passive
Was/were+ V3(ed)

Слайд 6 Fill in the verb is or are.
Grammar rules

Fill in the verb is or are.Grammar rules ... always learnt

... always learnt by heart.
Rare animals ... protected in

many countries.
This scarf ... made by my granny.
Animals in the reserve ... fed two times a day.
The same shirts ... worn by all the members of our team.
New Belarussian books ... shown in our library
Many Belarussian towns ... described in this book.
Dinner ... always cooked by my mother.
This place ... crowded on Sunday.
Our village ... surrounded with a forest.

Слайд 7 Choose the correct form of the verb in

Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete

brackets to complete the sentences.
I ... (like / am

liked) this place.
What books by Charles Dickens ... (translated / are translated) into Belarussian?
Who ... (protects / is protected) animals?
This city ... (is visited / visited) by many people.
Who ... (gives / is given) bad marks in your class?
Our house ... (made /is made) of wood.
Our holiday ... (is begun / begins) next week.
Pupils ... (are given / give) textbooks by the teacher.
The holiday ... (celebrated / is celebrated) every year.

Слайд 8 Fill in the gaps using the Present Simple

Fill in the gaps using the Present Simple Passive Voice form

Passive Voice form of the verb in brackets.
Mushroom and

Ham Salad
First, 5 mushrooms … (1 – cut) into small pieces and …(2 — mix) with two cut spring onions. Then, 100 g cooked ham …(3— cut) into fine cubes. Now, mushrooms, onions and ham … (4 — mix) in a bowl. Finally, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice … (5 — mix) with 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and the mixture… (6 — add) to the salad mixture. Enjoy your salad!

Слайд 9  Put the passive sentences in order.
in a lot

 Put the passive sentences in order.in a lot of schools /

of schools / are / used / Computers
of plastic

/ made / are / CDs
seen / The information / on a screen/can be
are / very quickly / The answers / calculated
played / The game / is / on a computer
with a modem / are / sent / E-mails
is / on a disk / Information / stored
sent / Text messages / are / using mobile phones
to get information / used / is / The Internet

Слайд 10 Fill in the verb in the Past Active

Fill in the verb in the Past Active or Passive Voice.The

or Passive Voice.
The Cape of Good Hope ... (discovered

/ was discovered) by Bartolomeo Dias.
The clown ... (entertained / was entertained) the public.
We ... (arrived/ were arrived) at the camp in time.
Many experiments ... (did/ were done) under water.
Many people ... (invited / were invited) to the festival.
They ... (discussed / were discussed) many exciting things.
I ... (learnt / was learnt) many interesting things in this unit.
What artist ... (painted / was painted) this picture?

Слайд 11 Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets

Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple

in Past Simple Passive
This old building is in one

of the countries of Europe. It’s not a natural object. It 1_______ (to make) by man a long time ago. Now it 2____________ (to see) as a tourist attraction. It’s a famous old building. It 3__________ (not to build) by the Romans. Galileo, the famous scientist, dropped heavy objects from this building to make his experiments. The upper floor 4 ___________ (to complete) in 1319. It  5_________ (to build) by Tommaso Pisano. The largest bell of the building 6 ____________ (to install) in 1655. The bell-chamber 7___________ (to add) in 1372.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-young-people-old-problems-kuzovlev-10-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 1