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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на темы: Present Simple и Present Continuous

Say what time it is now
DAILY LIFE Say what time it is now Tim [i] [i] [i:] KittenA kittenA little kittenA nice little kittenA nice little white kittenThis nice Dishes WASH FACE MORNING DINNER Say that you do the same.Example:I get up at 6 o’clock in Ask me about my daily life: what Now, tell us, please, about your day. You may start like this:I Present Continuous I Do - doingHave – havingGet – gettingGo – Wash – Clean She is going to school.He is washing his face.They are having dinner.I am talking to you. I Am Now – сейчасAt the moment – в данный моментShe is going to to be + Ving Let’s say what these people are doing at this moment, repeat after me: Say that you are not doing the same: Example:He is getting up. Say that you are not doing the same,  and say Agree or disagree:Flop is a frog.Flop is a little green frog.The frog Let’s find the sentences with Present Continuous: Answer the questions:1. Where does the frog live?2. How many friends has Давайте перечислим все, чем занимаются Флоп и его друзья в течение дня. What they are doing together? What do you usually do with your friends?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Say what time it is now

Say what time it is now

Слайд 6 [i] [i:]

[i] [i:]

Слайд 7 Kitten
A kitten
A little kitten
A nice little kitten
A nice

KittenA kittenA little kittenA nice little kittenA nice little white kittenThis

little white kitten
This nice little white kitten
This nice little

white kitten lives in Britain.

Слайд 8 Dishes


Слайд 13 MORNING


Слайд 15 DINNER


Слайд 16 Say that you do the same.
I get up

Say that you do the same.Example:I get up at 6 o’clock

at 6 o’clock in the morning.
I get up at

6 o’clock in the morning, too.
I wash my face at 7 o’clock in the morning.
I have my dinner at 3 o’clock.

Слайд 17 Say what time it is now and

Say what time it

what you should do at this time

Слайд 18 Ask me about my daily life: what I

Ask me about my daily life: what I

do and when?

Masha, do you get up at

six o’clock?

Слайд 19 Now, tell us, please, about your day.

Now, tell us, please, about your day. You may start like

may start like this:
I get up at … o’clock.

Then, I … .
At … o’clock I … .

Слайд 20 Present Continuous

Present Continuous

Слайд 21 I

I        am

He is
She is
It is V ing
You are
We are
They are

Слайд 22 Do - doing
Have – having
Get – getting
Go –

Do - doingHave – havingGet – gettingGo – Wash – Clean

Wash –

Слайд 23 She is going to school.
He is washing his

She is going to school.He is washing his face.They are having dinner.I am talking to you.

They are having dinner.
I am talking to you.

Слайд 25 I

I        am

am not
He isn’t
She isn’t
It isn’t V ing
You aren’t
We aren’t
They aren’t

Слайд 26 Am

Am       I

Is he
Is she
Is it V ing ?
Are you
Are we
Are they

Слайд 27 Now – сейчас
At the moment – в данный

Now – сейчасAt the moment – в данный моментShe is going


She is going to school now.
They are having dinner

at the moment.

Слайд 28 to be + Ving

to be + Ving

Слайд 29 Let’s say what these people are doing at

Let’s say what these people are doing at this moment, repeat after me:

this moment, repeat after me:

Слайд 31 Say that you are not doing the same:

Say that you are not doing the same: Example:He is getting

is getting up.
I am not getting up.
They are

doing exercises.
He is taking a shower.
He is cleaning his teeth.
She is washing her face.

Слайд 32 Say that you are not doing the same,

Say that you are not doing the same, and say

and say what you are doing:
He is getting up.

am not getting up, I am sleeping.
They are doing exercises.
He is taking a shower.
He is cleaning his teeth.
She is washing her face.

Слайд 33 Agree or disagree:
Flop is a frog.
Flop is a

Agree or disagree:Flop is a frog.Flop is a little green frog.The

little green frog.
The frog has got two friends.
His friends

are frogs, too.
Flop does not like to swim.

Слайд 34 Let’s find the sentences with Present Continuous:

Let’s find the sentences with Present Continuous:

Слайд 35 Answer the questions:
1. Where does the frog live?

Answer the questions:1. Where does the frog live?2. How many friends

How many friends has Flop got?
3. What are their

4. Can Flop tell the time?
5. Can Polly tell the time?
6. When does Flop do morning exercises?

Слайд 36 Давайте перечислим все, чем занимаются Флоп и его

Давайте перечислим все, чем занимаются Флоп и его друзья в течение дня.

друзья в течение дня.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temy-present-simple-i-present-continuous.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 0