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Презентация на тему ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ НА ТЕМУ what would you like to do? (5 КЛАСС)

Describe the pictureIt is my family. There are …We are… We are + Ving…The weather is …I see … in the picture.
The 25th of OctoberWEDNESDAY Describe the pictureIt is my family. There are …We are… We are Home workWB ex 2 p 16: tick the sentences that are true TRANSLATEDirector StuntOil rigGlass Sugar WB EX 3 P 16Read and match Would = (‘d) – хотелось быWhy don’t you…? – Почему бы тебе …? EX 11 P 27/PAIRSWhat would they like to do? Tell the children EX 12 P 27/PAIRSWhat would you like to do? Talk to your friends. What would you like to do?I’d like to ride a horse.Why don’t Home workПодготовиться к словарному диктанту
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Describe the picture
It is my family. There are

Describe the pictureIt is my family. There are …We are… We

We are…
We are + Ving…
The weather is …

see … in the picture.

Слайд 3 Home work
WB ex 2 p 16: tick the

Home workWB ex 2 p 16: tick the sentences that are

sentences that are true about you
Ex 1 p 24:

read the text, answer the questions:
What are the people in the pictures doing?
Write down the new words into your vocabulary.

Oil rig

TRANSLATEDirector StuntOil rigGlass Sugar

Слайд 5 WB EX 3 P 16
Read and match

WB EX 3 P 16Read and match

Слайд 6 Would = (‘d) – хотелось бы
Why don’t you…?

Would = (‘d) – хотелось быWhy don’t you…? – Почему бы тебе …?

– Почему бы тебе …?

Слайд 7 EX 11 P 27/PAIRS
What would they like to

EX 11 P 27/PAIRSWhat would they like to do? Tell the

do? Tell the children what they can do. Read

and match.

Слайд 8 EX 12 P 27/PAIRS
What would you like to

EX 12 P 27/PAIRSWhat would you like to do? Talk to your friends.

do? Talk to your friends.

Слайд 9 What would you like to do?
I’d like to

What would you like to do?I’d like to ride a horse.Why

ride a horse.
Why don’t you join a riding club?

a good idea.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-what-would-you-like-to-do-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 165
  • Количество скачиваний: 0