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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Healthy and unhealthy food (10 класс)

Sweet foodsChocolate, candy, cookies, cakes, sugar buns, all these sweet foods are loved by many people.But everyone knows that if you often eat sweet foods, it is harmful to health.Of course, without sweets can not
Junk foods Sweet foodsChocolate, candy, cookies, cakes, sugar buns, all these sweet foods SnacksChips and crackers like to eat children, most young people use them Fast food Fast food is very popular today . all kinds of Aerated waterConsumption of sugared carbonated beverages is the main reason for the Alcoholism is a very serious illness that can be treated with great Thanks for watching!Performed work: Bebekova S.,Koval'chuk Yu., Starodubova A., Tarasenko A.
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Слайд 2 Sweet foods
Chocolate, candy, cookies, cakes, sugar buns,

Sweet foodsChocolate, candy, cookies, cakes, sugar buns, all these sweet

all these sweet foods are loved by many people.But

everyone knows that if you often eat sweet foods, it is harmful to health.Of course, without sweets can not do – it is a necessity for our body.Sweet really affect the teeth and human skin. Also sweets are harmful because they have a lot of additives. They say that when you eat sweet food that is produced in the body hormone of happiness so people quickly get used to sweets. If a person has little fructose in his body, he wants to eat a sweet cake, candy, chocolate. If you want to keep your health, drink tea without sugar, eat fruits, vegetables, nuts.All this has a good effect on your health.

Слайд 4 Snacks
Chips and crackers like to eat children, most

SnacksChips and crackers like to eat children, most young people use

young people use them as a snack.They are very

tasty, but terribly harmful to health.The thing is that bags with these treats added flavor enhancers, particularly sodium glutamate (packages of chips they crackers it is hidden under the designation E621), as well as a variety of synthetic and natural flavours that give the taste of salami, bacon, onions, cheese, etc. Not long ago, in the composition of crackers and chips, Swedish scientists have identified the most dangerous carcinogens that cause genetic mutations and the formation of tumors in the abdominal cavity. In addition, the main ingredient for chips is not natural potatoes, as many believe, and potato flour.

Слайд 6 Fast food
Fast food is very popular today

Fast food Fast food is very popular today . all kinds

. all kinds of burgers, hot dogs, chips, mashed

potatoes, French fries are quick complex products and recipes .so this food is very colorful. Basically it is cooked in oil and poorly absorbed. Because of this, the people who use fast food is quickly recovering and often overweight .Fast food has spread worldwide like a virus over several decades and "awarded" a huge number of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, endocrine diseases, diabetes, all sorts of ulcers and gastritis.The harm of fast food is proved both among the observations of the health of people who eat fast food, and grounded scientifically

Слайд 8 Aerated water
Consumption of sugared carbonated beverages is the

Aerated waterConsumption of sugared carbonated beverages is the main reason for

main reason for the development of diabetes and obesity,

but that's not all. Phosphoric acid, which is contained in the "Coca-Cola", binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in the lower intestine, and they are excreted from the body in an accelerated mode! And we already get an insufficient number of these elements with food ... As a result, the bones become brittle and the metabolism worsens.

Слайд 9 Alcoholism is a very serious illness that can

Alcoholism is a very serious illness that can be treated with

be treated with great difficulty. Alcohol is a drug,

and the body, getting used to, becomes dependent on it. A person needs daily consumption of alcohol, and this gradually causes irreparable harm to his health. Probably, you have often seen drunk people and you agree with the statement that a drunk person is not a very pleasant sight. With drunk people it is very difficult and unpleasant to communicate. They commit acts, which then are ashamed of themselves. Drunken quarrels often end in fights. Many crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-healthy-and-unhealthy-food-10-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 174
  • Количество скачиваний: 3