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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Is it easy to be young (10 класс)

Young people – Old Problems family problemspersonal problemsschool problemsviolenceaggressivenessproblem of love and friendshipcommitting suicideProblems of fathers and childrencruelty drug addictiondrinking problemspoverty discrimination
Is it easy to be young?Легко ли быть молодым?Ермолина А.А.г. Young people – Old Problems family problemspersonal problemsschool problemsviolenceaggressivenessproblem of love and Agree or disagree with me Teens have a lot of problems now.....The Some statistical information about youths`    problems.  One day STREET CHILDREN  40 million children around the world spend their life And what is love? Love is ... a tender feeling, Love is Любовь- это…Любовь – это нежность к кому-то.Любовь – это жизни минута. Любовь A song for a person of any ageYellow Submarine by the Read the text and fill in the gaps in the sentences below Growing up, doesn't it suck?It seems to be full of constant bad Подросток… ну разве не трудно им быть?И кажется: все кругом против тебя.Не Is it easy to be young?So, as you see, it is very
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Young people – Old Problems
family problems
personal problems

Young people – Old Problems family problemspersonal problemsschool problemsviolenceaggressivenessproblem of love

problem of love and friendship
committing suicide
Problems of fathers and

drug addiction
drinking problems

Слайд 3 Agree or disagree with me
Teens have a

Agree or disagree with me Teens have a lot of problems

lot of problems now.
The most important problem is school.

lot of teens have problems with drags and aid
These problems can be easily solved.
Teens younger than fourteen can be sent to prison
Most adults don't think seriously about teens'

Many teenagers can't solve their problems I
A lot of teens commit suicide.
All young people can't choose their own lifestyle.
The teens' problems will increase.

Слайд 4 Some statistical information about youths`

Some statistical information about youths`  problems. One day in the

problems. One day in the life of American teenagers.

teenagers get pregnant.
1.106 teenagers have abortions.
27 children die from poverty.
10 children die from guns.
6 teenagers commit suicide.
135.000 children bring a gun to school

211 teenagers are arrested for drug addiction.
437 teenagers are arrested for drinking or drunken driving.
1.512 teenagers drop out of school.
3.288 children run away from home.
1.629 children are in adult jails.

40 million children around the

STREET CHILDREN 40 million children around the world spend their life

world spend their life on city streets.

are they there?
Poverty in the home 27%
Treated badly at home 27%
Nothing else to do 27% Just followed other
children 10%
Sent by the family . 9%

Слайд 6 And what is love?
Love is ... a

And what is love? Love is ... a tender feeling, Love

tender feeling,
Love is ... a way of being,

Love is ... just showing someone you care.
Love is ... helping with the dishes,
Love is ... feeding your pet fishes,
Love is ... just giving from your heart.
Love is so very simple,
It's not a mystery.
When you treat those around you
The very same way
You want them to treat you.

Love is ... your baby sister,
Love is ... playing with her,
Love is ... holding her when she cries.
Love is ... sharing your candy,
Love is ... being all that you can be,
Love is ... lending a helping hand
When someone needs you.
Love is ... L-O-V- E
Love is ... For you and me. Oh!
Love is the greatest thing in
the world
(Greg Scelsa)

Слайд 7 Любовь- это…
Любовь – это нежность к кому-то.
Любовь –

Любовь- это…Любовь – это нежность к кому-то.Любовь – это жизни минута.

это жизни минута.
Любовь – это просто забота.
Любовь –

когда в радость по дому работа.
Любовь – вместе рыбок кормить.
Любовь – свое сердце дарить.
Любовь так проста. В ней вовсе нет тайн. Когда ты о ком-то мечтаешь,
Надеешься, что в воспоминаньях любимых
Настолько же часто бываешь.

Любовь – это маленькая сестра.
Любовь – это с ней поиграть.
Любовь – поддержать, когда плачет она.
Любовь - ей конфету отдать.
Любовь ей отдать и себя самого.
Любовь – руку помощи протянуть,
Тому, кому помощь нужнее всего.
Любовь есть любовь. И назад не свернуть.
Любовь… лишь для нас. Ни за что не найти
Нам вещи ценней. Хоть весь мир обойди!

Слайд 8 A song for a person of any age

A song for a person of any ageYellow Submarine by the

Submarine by the "Beatles“
In the town where I was born

lived a man who sailed the sea, And he told us of his life in the land of submarines.
So we sailed up to the sun till we found the sea of green.
And we lived beneath the waves in our yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine, ...
And our friends are all on board,
Many more of them live next door,
And the band begins to play.
We all live in a yellow submarine, ...
And we live a life of ease,
Everyone of us has all we need.
Sky of blue and sea of green in our yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine, ...

Слайд 9 Read the text and fill in the gaps

Read the text and fill in the gaps in the sentences

in the sentences below then add some rules for

your parents.

Parents! Try to understand your children
Be friendly when our friends come to visit us. Remember that we need our private places.
Don't tidy up our rooms - we can't find anything after that.
Allow children to keep animals at home.
Let children choose their clothes and haircuts by themselves.
And explain to me why I can't eat in front of the TV? I think this rule is silly.

l.Try (l) your kids.

2. Be (2) when our friends come to visit us.

3. Remember that we need (3)

4. Allow children (4)

5. Children can chose their (5) by themselve.

6. Not to eat in front of the TV is a (6) rule.

Слайд 10 Growing up, doesn't it suck?
It seems to be

Growing up, doesn't it suck?It seems to be full of constant

full of constant bad luck.
Zits, bad hair days and

putting on weight,
So many reasons for yourself – hate.
But hey, you're alive, you're unique,
you're so cool,
Why do you always feel such a fool?
Be true to yourself, forget all your faults,
And you'll soon be thinking much happier thoughts.
Live life to the max and paint your town red,
Who cares what people think and what they’ve said?
Don’t let them win and make you feel bad,
Cause people like that are really quite sad.
So, enjoy your teens and have some fun,
Your life has only just begun.
Lauren, Romford

Слайд 11 Подросток… ну разве не трудно им быть?
И кажется:

Подросток… ну разве не трудно им быть?И кажется: все кругом против

все кругом против тебя.
Не можешь о перхоти, весе забыть…

много причин ненавидеть себя!
Но разве все это настолько ужасно?
Ведь ты же живешь, ты один лишь такой!
Ты – лучший из лучших. И жизнь так прекрасна.
Не плачь и не чувствуй себя дураком!
Будь верен себе и не дуйся напрасно,
И будет гораздо приятнее жить.
Бери все от жизни и город укрась свой.
Не дай неудачам себя победить!
Не бойся печалей и радостей жизни.
Пускай будут все про тебя говорить…
Несчастны лишь те, кто в «несчастиях» киснет.
Тебе же всегда есть кого веселить.
Так радуйся жизни и счастьем делись,
Лучшие годы твои начались!

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