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Презентация на тему Лексическая тема дом (продолжение)


Tell the words for that sounds
Tell the words for that sounds East or West home is best There is no place like home. home VS houseHome- the place where you live or where you feel that you belong.It's A bedroom A Kitchen A Living room A Dinning room A Bathroom Word boxToiletBathWashbasinMirror Towel Shower OnUnderIn front ofBehindNext to/NearOppositeIn the cornerInBetween «A snowball»In my house I have got a sofa.In my house I have Watch video about houses Find the necessary room1. You relax and watch TV 2. You cook table, desk, bed, sofa, chair, armchair, bookcase, wardrobe, TV, lamp, clock, telephone, vase, computer. 1. There are/is two floors in the house.2. There are/is one room Guess a riddleПросил её повесить шеф,Для книг она, зовётся ...Готов обед у Guess a riddleСтоят в нем в рядДжек Лондон, Чейз,Вернее, книги их,А он Guess a riddleДнём и ночью наш соседСмотрит, смотрит ...Для цветов стоит у Computer, bed,wardrobe, sink,  table,cupboards, basin, fridge,mirror, sofa,fireplace, shelves,carpet, armchairscooker, bookcase,coffee table,desk, bathtub,chairs. Find the words.awardrobeeweltmirroreoysofaulmthcarpeteimtcookerswdusinkdfxopaintingpecv Fill in the words: living room, furniture, flat, bedrooms, armchair, bed, chairs, carpet, Make up words.1) indwow - ………… 4) inks - ……………..2) ofsa - ……………. 5)  Fill in: is or are1. There …. Four rooms in our flat.2. There …. no Choose the right answer.1. What’s in the living room?a) a bookcase b) Choose the right preposition.1. There is an armchair in/on/under the living room.2. There is Choose the true sentences.1. There is an armchair in the bathroom.2. There Cross the odd word out.1 bath – sink – washbasin – mirror2
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Tell the words for that sounds

Tell the words for that sounds

Слайд 3 East or West home is best 
There is no

East or West home is best There is no place like home.

place like home.

Слайд 4 home VS house
Home- the place where you live or where you

home VS houseHome- the place where you live or where you feel that you

feel that you belong.
It's time to go home.
House- the building

that is made for people to live in.
There are many new houses in our street.

Слайд 5 A bedroom

A bedroom

Слайд 6 A Kitchen

A Kitchen

Слайд 7 A Living room

A Living room

Слайд 8 A Dinning room

A Dinning room

Слайд 9 A Bathroom

A Bathroom

Слайд 10 Word box

Word boxToiletBathWashbasinMirror Towel Shower

Слайд 11 On
In front of
Next to/Near
In the corner

OnUnderIn front ofBehindNext to/NearOppositeIn the cornerInBetween

Слайд 12 «A snowball»
In my house I have got a sofa.

«A snowball»In my house I have got a sofa.In my house I

my house I have got a sofa and a

In my house I have got a sofa, a table and a cupboard.

Слайд 14 Watch video about houses

Watch video about houses

Слайд 15 Find the necessary room
1. You relax and watch

Find the necessary room1. You relax and watch TV 2. You

TV 2. You cook 3. You eat your dinner 4. You sleep 5.

You have a shower 6. You put up guests

a. in the bathroom b. in your bedroom c. in the living room / lounge d. in the dining room e. in the spare room f. in the kitchen

Слайд 17 table, desk, bed, sofa, chair, armchair, bookcase, wardrobe,

table, desk, bed, sofa, chair, armchair, bookcase, wardrobe, TV, lamp, clock, telephone, vase, computer.

TV, lamp, clock, telephone, vase, computer.

Слайд 18 1. There are/is two floors in the house.

1. There are/is two floors in the house.2. There are/is one

There are/is one room in the flat.
3. There is/are

three windows and one door in the room.
4. There is/are a ceiling and a floor in the room.
5. I has/have a sofa and two arm-chairs in my room.
6. We have/has desks, chairs, a bookcase in the classroom.
7. You will/can see a bed and a wardrobe in my room.
8. The vase is/am on the shelf.

Слайд 19 Guess a riddle
Просил её повесить шеф,
Для книг она,

Guess a riddleПросил её повесить шеф,Для книг она, зовётся ...Готов обед

зовётся ...
Готов обед у миссис Эйбл,
Гостям накрыт давно уж


Сижу на нем я прямо,
Чтоб не болела шея.
Он с удобной спинкой
И зовётся ...

Слайд 20 Guess a riddle
Стоят в нем в ряд
Джек Лондон,

Guess a riddleСтоят в нем в рядДжек Лондон, Чейз,Вернее, книги их,А

Вернее, книги их,
А он - ...
После того, как закончен

Всем малышам нужно go to ...

Вырос я, и мал мне таз, -
Моюсь я в огромной ...

Слайд 21 Guess a riddle
Днём и ночью наш сосед
Смотрит, смотрит

Guess a riddleДнём и ночью наш соседСмотрит, смотрит ...Для цветов стоит

Для цветов стоит у вас
На столе цветная ...
Здесь всё

время гам и шум:
Это наша с братом ...

Слайд 22 Computer, bed,
wardrobe, sink, 
basin, fridge,
mirror, sofa,
fireplace, shelves,
carpet, armchairs
cooker, bookcase,
coffee table,
desk, bathtub,

Computer, bed,wardrobe, sink,  table,cupboards, basin, fridge,mirror, sofa,fireplace, shelves,carpet, armchairscooker, bookcase,coffee table,desk, bathtub,chairs.

Слайд 24 Find the words.

Find the words.awardrobeeweltmirroreoysofaulmthcarpeteimtcookerswdusinkdfxopaintingpecv

Слайд 25 Fill in the words: living room, furniture, flat, bedrooms,

Fill in the words: living room, furniture, flat, bedrooms, armchair, bed, chairs,

armchair, bed, chairs, carpet, fridge.
Ann: Hi, Alice. What’s your

new ….. like?
Alice: It’s very good.
Ann: Really?
Alice: Yes. There is a big ………. , a small kitchen, two …… and a bathroom.
Ann: Has it got any ……?
Alice: Yes, it has. There is a sofa and an …….. in the living room. There is a nice …… on the floor. And in the bedroom there is a ……. And a big wardrobe.
Ann: How about a kitchen? Is there a cooker and a …… ?
Alice: Yes, there is. There is a round table and four …… too.
Ann: Sounds great!

Слайд 26 Make up words.
1) indwow - ………… 4) inks - ……………..

Make up words.1) indwow - ………… 4) inks - ……………..2) ofsa - …………….

ofsa - ……………. 5) abahswins - …………
3) rdifge -

………….. 6) arrodweb - …………….

Слайд 27  Fill in: is or are
1. There …. Four rooms in our

 Fill in: is or are1. There …. Four rooms in our flat.2. There ….

2. There …. no TV in my bedroom.
3. ….

There any paintings in the living room?
4. There … a fridge, a cooker and a sink in the kitchen.
5. …. There any books in the bookcase?
6. There …. no carpet in the kitchen.

Слайд 28 Choose the right answer.
1. What’s in the living

Choose the right answer.1. What’s in the living room?a) a bookcase

a) a bookcase b) a sink c) a sofa

What’s in the kitchen?
a) a fridge b) a washbasin c) a mirror
3. What’s in the bedroom?
a) a cooker b) a bath c0 a wardrobe

Слайд 29 Choose the right preposition.
1. There is an armchair in/on/under the

Choose the right preposition.1. There is an armchair in/on/under the living room.2. There

living room.
2. There is a ball in/under/between the chair.
3. There is

a vase on/next to/ in front of the table.
4. There are two paintings in/on/behind the wall.
5. There is a chair on/in/next to the sofa.

Слайд 30 Choose the true sentences.
1. There is an armchair

Choose the true sentences.1. There is an armchair in the bathroom.2.

in the bathroom.
2. There is a beautiful vase on

the table.
3. There is a washbasin in the kitchen.
4. There is a chair on the sofa.
5. There is a computer and a lamp on my desk.
6. There is a bookcase in the kitchen.
7. There is no cooker in the kitchen.

Слайд 31 Cross the odd word out.
1 bath – sink

Cross the odd word out.1 bath – sink – washbasin –

– washbasin – mirror
2 dining room – garden –

kitchen – hall
3 desk – coffee table – chair – table
4 bed – bathroom – wardrobe – carpet
5 computer – bookcase – digital camera – television
6 fridge – cooker – desk – table

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