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Презентация на тему по теме Public services

- open a savings account?  - buy a stamp?  - report a fire?  - visit a friend who is ill?  - buy a train ticket?  - borrow or return some books?  - pay in/withdraw some
- open a savings account?  - buy a stamp?  - report • nurse • attendant • surgeon • doctor • librarian • mayor  • What qualities do those people need? Why? A good policeman needs to be a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident.who has a position of ACT OUT YOUR OWN DIALOGUE.Tell your friend all about the incident you
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 - open a savings account?  - buy a stamp?  -

- open a savings account?  - buy a stamp?  -

report a fire?  - visit a friend who is ill?  -

buy a train ticket?  - borrow or return some books?  - pay in/withdraw some money?  - report a crime?  - meet the mayor?  - send a parcel?  - have your car washed?

bank post office
fire station
hospital post office
railway station
library bank
police station
town hall petrol station

If I wanted to open savings account, I would go to the bank.

Which of the places would you call/go to if you wanted to: 

Слайд 3 • nurse • attendant • surgeon • doctor •

• nurse • attendant • surgeon • doctor • librarian • mayor 

librarian • mayor  • secretary • police officer • forensic scientist

• detective  • cashier • postal worker • fire officer • postman

In which place(s) do the following people work?

A nurse works in a hospital.
A mayor works in …
A postman …

Слайд 4 What qualities do those people need? Why? 
A good

What qualities do those people need? Why? A good policeman needs to

policeman needs to be very brave, responsible and strong.

Слайд 5 a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an

a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident.who has a position

who has a position of authority.
a person who had a crime committed against


Find definitions of these words:
1) A victim is …
2) A witness is …
3) An officer is …

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-public-services.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 1