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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Школьная жизнь(4 класс)

In classAfter classesBefore classes
Class - classes In classAfter classesBefore classes When does the Russian class begin? Do you always speak English in Comfortable A comfortable chair, comfortable shoesIs your room comfortable?I don`t think my new Uniform - uniforms A brown uniform,  a dark blue uniformThey all wear uniforms at P.E., Physical Education I have P.E. on Thursday and on Monday.What do you do in Handicraft When do you have Handicraft?I have Handicraft on Tuesday.Do you always wear Exercise book –  exercise books Susan has got a big exercise book for Handicraft.There are many exercise books in my bag. Museum - museums To go to museumAre there many museums in London?We shall meet at the museum at 4. Pencil -pencils Coloured pencils,  draw in pencilHe`s got many coloured pencils in the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 In class
After classes
Before classes

In classAfter classesBefore classes

Слайд 3 When does the Russian class begin? Do you always

When does the Russian class begin? Do you always speak English

speak English in class? After classes I often go shopping.


Слайд 4 Comfortable


Слайд 5 A comfortable chair, comfortable shoes
Is your room comfortable?

A comfortable chair, comfortable shoesIs your room comfortable?I don`t think my

don`t think my new boots are very comfortable.

Слайд 6 Uniform - uniforms

Uniform - uniforms

Слайд 7 A brown uniform, a dark blue uniform
They all

A brown uniform, a dark blue uniformThey all wear uniforms at

wear uniforms at their school.
Do all pupils wear uniforms

in class?

Слайд 8 P.E., Physical Education

P.E., Physical Education

Слайд 9 I have P.E. on Thursday and on Monday.

I have P.E. on Thursday and on Monday.What do you do

do you do in your P.E. class?
What`s your P.E.

uniform like?

Слайд 10 Handicraft


Слайд 11 When do you have Handicraft?
I have Handicraft on

When do you have Handicraft?I have Handicraft on Tuesday.Do you always

Do you always wear uniforms in your Handicraft classes?

is your Handicraft teacher?

Слайд 12 Exercise book – exercise books

Exercise book – exercise books

Слайд 13 Susan has got a big exercise book for

Susan has got a big exercise book for Handicraft.There are many exercise books in my bag.

There are many exercise books in my bag.

Слайд 14 Museum - museums

Museum - museums

Слайд 15 To go to museum
Are there many museums in

To go to museumAre there many museums in London?We shall meet at the museum at 4.

We shall meet at the museum at 4.

Слайд 16 Pencil -pencils

Pencil -pencils

Слайд 17 Coloured pencils, draw in pencil
He`s got many coloured

Coloured pencils, draw in pencilHe`s got many coloured pencils in the box.He can draw in pencil.

pencils in the box.
He can draw in pencil.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-shkolnaya-zhizn4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 165
  • Количество скачиваний: 1