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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Helping and heroes

Manshuk "Mansiya" ZhiengalievaMametova (23 October 1922 - 15 October 1943) was a Soviet Kazakh machine gunner of the 21st Rifle Division and the first Soviet Asian woman to receive the Hero of the Soviet Union medal
PPT provides information about heroes of Kazakhstan in particular M.Mametova and K.Munaitpassov Manshuk VOCABULARY Rifle Division (n) –стрелковая дивизия – атқыштар дивизиясыmachine gunner (n) –пулеметчица QAJIMUQAN MUNGAYTPASULIQajimuqanMungaytpasuli(1871-1948) was a Kazakh wrestler and repeated World Champion in Greco-Roman VOCABULARY: Wrestler (n) –борец - күресшіWrestling(n) -борьба (вид спорта) – күрес (спорт
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Manshuk "Mansiya" ZhiengalievaMametova (23 October 1922 - 15


October 1943) was a Soviet Kazakh machine gunner of

the 21st Rifle Division and the first Soviet Asian woman to receive the Hero of the Soviet Union medal for acts of bravery.
Orphaned at very young age, ManshukMametova spent her childhood in Almaty, under care of A. Mametova. At the time the Second World War began, she was studying at Almaty Medical Institute. She had been taken to war as a volunteer in 1942. As a machine gunner, she showed bravery and courage. She was killed in a battle for Nevel. Many streets and schools in Almaty, Nevel, Oral and other cities were named after her, and monuments in her honour may be found in many parts of former Soviet Union.

Rifle Division (n) –стрелковая дивизия – атқыштар дивизиясы

VOCABULARY Rifle Division (n) –стрелковая дивизия – атқыштар дивизиясыmachine gunner (n)

gunner (n) –пулеметчица – пулеметшы
receive (v) –принимать, получать –

қабылдау, алу
acts of bravery (n) –подвиг - ерлік
Orphaned(v, past simple)–осиротеть – жетім қалу
Volunteer (n) –волонтер, доброволец – волонтер, ерікті
Courage (n) –храбрость - батылдық
killedinabattle (v) –убит (а) на войне – майданда немесе соғыста мерт болу

QajimuqanMungaytpasuli(1871-1948) was a Kazakh wrestler and repeated

QAJIMUQAN MUNGAYTPASULIQajimuqanMungaytpasuli(1871-1948) was a Kazakh wrestler and repeated World Champion in

World Champion in Greco-Roman wrestling. QajimuqanMungaytpasuli was born in

1871, in Karaotkyel village in Akmola Province, Russian Empire. He was 194 cm tall and weighed 139 kg. He fought in 54 countries, won 48 medals. One of the most important moments in his career was in 1910, when he was awarded the gold medal in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and became World Champion for the first time.
He died on August 12, 1948 in Lyeninskoeznamya kolkhoz (South Kazakhstan Province), without any disciples and learners and leaving his four wives in Turkestan. In 1980 a museum was opened in his honor. There are also Qajimuqan's streets in Almaty, Astana and Semey. Two Russian films were based on his life's history: Haji-Mukan (1978) and Know ours! (1985).

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-helping-and-heroes.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 255
  • Количество скачиваний: 4