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Презентация на тему Волшебная сказка

My homework: Ex112, page 103 retell the tail from the point of view of Percy
My Fairy Tale  «I Myself!»  by KorobeinikoVa Anastasia. 6A school My homework: Ex112, page 103 retell the tail from the point of Hi! I am a little boy Percy. I liked to When it was time to go to bed, I didn’t want to During ancient times, there used to be a little brownie in each Brownie lived in my house. One day I  met him. I Running near the fireplace, I accidentally touched the coals in the fireplace . Suddenly the Old Fairy asked from the fireplace why her son The End!  https://yandex.ru/images/search?img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn01.wallpapersonweb.com%2Fmedia%2Ftn5%2F1%2F10%2F96335.jpg&_=1458136831829&p=1&text=сказочные%20рамочки%20для%20презентаций&noreask=1&pos=44&rpt=simage&lr=62
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 My homework: Ex112, page 103 retell the tail from the

My homework: Ex112, page 103 retell the tail from the point of view of Percy

point of view of Percy

Слайд 3 Hi! I am a little boy

Hi! I am a little boy Percy. I liked to

Percy. I liked to sit near the fireplace and

listen to fairy tales my mother told.

Слайд 4 When it was time to go to bed,

When it was time to go to bed, I didn’t want

I didn’t want to sleep. My mother was tired

from arguing with me and she said: «Sit alone by the fire and the Old Fairy will come and take you because you don’t listened to your mother.”

When it was time to go to bed, I didn’t want to sleep. My mother was tired from arguing with me and she said: «Sit alone by the fire and the Old Fairy will come and take you because you don’t listen to your mother.

Слайд 5 During ancient times, there used to be a

During ancient times, there used to be a little brownie in

little brownie in each house. Every night he would

come to clean the house while everyone slept.

Слайд 6 Brownie lived in my house. One day I

Brownie lived in my house. One day I met him. I

met him. I was scared. We started talking.

Then we began to run and play near the fire.

Слайд 7 Running near the fireplace, I accidentally touched the

Running near the fireplace, I accidentally touched the coals in the

coals in the fireplace and one of them fell

on the brownie`s foot. The brownie cried aloud.

Слайд 8 .
Suddenly the Old Fairy asked from the

. Suddenly the Old Fairy asked from the fireplace why her

fireplace why her son was running and took him

away. I got scared and ran off to bed. After that, the brownie never came again, and I always went to sleep after my mum`s first request.

  • Имя файла: volshebnaya-skazka.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 155
  • Количество скачиваний: 0