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Презентация на тему Традиции и обычаи Великобритании 8 класс

The oldest and the most famous traditions of England is tea drinking. People in England have their own time when they drink tea. It is called “Five o’clock tea”. They can drink tea all day but
Made by Ermolin Pavel, school №76(Teacher Tretyakova Elena Michilovna)Customs and traditions of England The oldest and the most famous traditions of England is tea drinking. An English man cannot imagine his house without the beautiful garden around Another one of England’s customs is a good education for the kids. There are many exhibitions in England. For example : Malvern exhibition. It An old custom of England is decorating the house for Christmas and There are many other traditions and customs in England. People use miles
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The oldest and the most famous traditions of

The oldest and the most famous traditions of England is tea

England is tea drinking. People in England have their

own time when they drink tea. It is called “Five o’clock tea”. They can drink tea all day but not after the supper. Some English families have “high tea” or big tea and no supper. The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.

Tea drinking

Слайд 3 An English man cannot imagine his house without

An English man cannot imagine his house without the beautiful garden

the beautiful garden around it. They like to live

in small houses with a small garden. All gardens are different, like their owners and creators. There are competitions in England where people choose the best garden near the houses. An English man whose garden is a winner considered to be very honorable person.


Слайд 4 Another one of England’s customs is a good

Another one of England’s customs is a good education for the

education for the kids. English people prefer giving their

children to private schools. The most popular schools are the schools with separated teaching of boys and girls. It is considered that nothing will distract children from learning. The best college in England is Eton college.


Слайд 5 There are many exhibitions in England. For example

There are many exhibitions in England. For example : Malvern exhibition.

: Malvern exhibition. It is a big garden show.

Almost all English people go there to see different bronze sculptures, gardens and “country”- style exhibits.


Слайд 6 An old custom of England is decorating the

An old custom of England is decorating the house for Christmas

house for Christmas and spending it with your family.

Christmas stockings are a traditional part of an English Christmas. People put presents in them. All the windows of houses are lighted with candles. And because of that the Christmas night is also called “The candle night”.


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-traditsii-i-obychai-velikobritanii-8-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 160
  • Количество скачиваний: 1