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Презентация на тему “The History of Mount Rushmore Memorial”

The history  of Mount Rushmore National Memorial Doane Robinson  1856-1946  Doane Robinson is known as the Borglum made a model of the figures before he started On October, 1927 the first actual work of carving began One President Coolidge at the 1927 dedication “Mount Rushmore is Mount Rushmore Before Carving A picture of the dynamite plunger Several hundred workers, who usually worked as a miner, a sculptor, or The beginning of the work A close-up photo of the first president of the United States George George Washington  George Washington's is the first head are made. Due Washington figure under construction A construction on the George Washington portrait at Mount Rushmore, 1932 Granite portrait of Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Granite portrait of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Lincoln figure under construction,  1937 View of Washington and Lincoln  About 800 million pounds of Sculpture of Theodore Roosevelt    The third sculpture is of Theodore Roosevelt Mt. Rushmore under Construction, Black Hills, SD, 1936 Spoiler for Theodore Roosevelt Construction The construction of eyes Mt. Rushmore under Construction, Black Hills, SD, 1939. Aerial view of Mt. Rushmore At the End of the Construction The monument of Gutzon Borglum 1.http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/mt-rushmore.html  2. http://www.host-culture.com/2011/05/history-of-mount-rushmore-national.html3.http://www.dakotaphoto.smugmug.com/gallery/3995249_SAnSw#232353542_RuqrA Интернет - ресурсы:
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

The Mount Rushmore Monument is one of the greatest artistic endeavors in the history of the US.

Слайд 3

“... It was decided that the individuals who best exemplified the foundation, expansion and preservation of the Republic—Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt—should be the subjects of the memorial”.

Слайд 4

Georg Washington represents the struggle for independence

Located in Keystone, South Dakota, the monument was created in honor of the achievements of four of US past presidents

Thomas Jefferson, the idea of government by the people

Abraham Lincoln for his ideas on equality

Theodore Roosevelt for the role of US in world affairs

Слайд 5

Mount Rushmore is named after New York City attorney Charles E. Rushmore, who came to the Black Hills in 1884 to check legal titles on properties. On returning to Pine Camp he asked Bill Challis [a local resident and guide] the name of this mountain. Bill replied, "Never had a name but from now on we'll call it Rushmore."

Do You Know?

Слайд 6 Doane Robinson 1856-1946
Doane Robinson is

Doane Robinson 1856-1946 Doane Robinson is known as the

known as the "Father
of Mount Rushmore." It

was his idea for
colossal carvings in the Black Hills. He
wanted to create an attraction that would
draw people from all over the country to his

Слайд 7

Robinson asked for an architect and sculptor Gutzon Borglum to sculpt and design the monument.

Слайд 8

In August of 1924 he
contacted Gutzon Borglum.
In his letter Robinson
invited Borglum to visit
South Dakota and talk ove the
possibility of carving a mountain.

Слайд 9

Borglum took Robinson up on his offer and met with him during September of 1924 and again in August of 1925.

Sculptor, Mount Rushmore 1867 - 1941

Слайд 10


Sculptor, Mount Rushmore 1867 - 1941

During his second trip Borglum found Mount Rushmore.  
Doane Robinson's idea was a success.
Borglum decided to use Mount Rushmore to making sculpture, as it seems this is the easy part to do it.

Слайд 11 Borglum made a model of the figures

Borglum made a model of the figures before he started

before he started

Gutzon Borglum works on his clay model for Mount Rushmore in his studio on the Brackenridge Park Golf Course in San Antonio, Texas.

The Borglum Studio.

Borglum created a plaster model from which measurements were taken using the pointing system.

Слайд 12 On October, 1927 the first actual work

On October, 1927 the first actual work of carving began

of carving began
One inch on the model represented

one foot on the finished sculpture; a 1-to-12-inch scale.

You will notice that more of the body and arms are shown in the original model.

Слайд 13 President Coolidge at the 1927 dedication
“Mount Rushmore

President Coolidge at the 1927 dedication “Mount Rushmore is

is decidedly American in its conception, magnitude and meaning.

It is altogether worthy of our country," President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed at the dedication of the project in 1927.

Слайд 14 Mount Rushmore Before Carving

Mount Rushmore Before Carving

Mount Rushmore in 1905, before work began on the four faces

Слайд 15 A picture of the dynamite plunger

A picture of the dynamite plunger

Over 90% of Mount Rushmore was carved using dynamite.

Dynamite blasts removed approximately 450,000 tons of rock from the mountain.

Слайд 16 Several hundred workers, who usually worked as a

Several hundred workers, who usually worked as a miner, a sculptor,

miner, a sculptor, or a rock climber, using dynamite,

jack hammering, and sculptors to sculpt a model of the mountain.

Powder man John Johnson

Слайд 17 The beginning of the work

The beginning of the work

Borglum in BOSUNTOS
CHAIR, 1930

An Artist working on Mount Rushmore

It would take another 12 years to complete this treasure that features George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.

The American Icon
Work on the famous American icon Mount Rushmore began.

Слайд 18

Mount Rushmore Tool Survey

Слайд 19 A close-up photo of the first president of

A close-up photo of the first president of the United States

the United States George Washington

Going from left

to right, the first sculpture is of George Washington, leader of the Revolutionary forces, 1st President and "Father of our Country".

Слайд 20 George Washington
George Washington's is the

George Washington  George Washington's is the first head are made.

first head are made. Due to economic instability United

States by the Great Depression, the head was completed in seven years, and is dedicated to the public on Independence Day 1934. A large American flag placed on the head of Washington before it was revealed its meaning, and it later became a tradition for each head of the President.

Слайд 21 Washington figure under construction

Washington figure under construction

Слайд 22 A construction on the George Washington portrait at

A construction on the George Washington portrait at Mount Rushmore, 1932

Mount Rushmore, 1932

Mount Rushmore’s Georg

Washington being maintained by WPA workers.

 Men working on one of the heads.

Слайд 23 Granite portrait of Thomas Jefferson

Granite portrait of Thomas Jefferson

The second sculpture is of Thomas Jefferson, the author of "The Declaration of Independence" and 3rd President.

Слайд 24 Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was the next head, located to the left of Washington. Before the head was finished, Borglum ordered that the head was blown up due to poor quality stone. Chief Jefferson begins again with the right hand of Washington's position. Chief Jefferson dedicated in 1936.

Слайд 25

Thomas Jefferson was originally positioned on Washington’s right, but this face was blown up and a new one carved between Washington and Roosevelt.

Washington and Jefferson under costruction

Слайд 26 Granite portrait of Abraham Lincoln

Granite portrait of Abraham Lincoln

The fourth sculpture is of Abraham Lincoln, 16th President, and leader during the "Civil War". He helped preserve the Union, and put an end to slavery in the United States. The project continued for 14 years.

Слайд 27 Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln's head is more of a challenge because of his beard, but his head has been completed at the right end of the cliff, dedicated on September 17, 1937, at the time of the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States in 1787.

Слайд 28 Lincoln figure under construction,  1937

Lincoln figure under construction,  1937

Scaffolding around Head of Abraham Lincoln, partially sculptured during Mt. Rushmore construction

Слайд 29

You can see Borglum in the picture of Lincoln’s head. He is in a sling below the president’s eye.

Слайд 30 View of Washington and Lincoln

View of Washington and Lincoln About 800 million pounds of

800 million pounds of rocks were excavated for the


Слайд 31 Sculpture of Theodore Roosevelt


Sculpture of Theodore Roosevelt  The third sculpture is of Theodore

third sculpture is of Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President, and

he was instrumental in the construction of the Panama Canal. A conservationist,  he helped preserve much of the land that makes up National Forests and Parks.

Слайд 32 Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

While Theodore Roosevelt's head is being built, accommodation for tourists was also built, including plumbing, lighting, and a visitor center. Because not find a suitable stone, the sculptor further cut into, to the mountain. This raises concerns about how much they cut. On July 2, 1939, head of Roosevelt dedicated.

Слайд 33 Mt. Rushmore under Construction, Black Hills, SD, 1936

Mt. Rushmore under Construction, Black Hills, SD, 1936

Слайд 34 Spoiler for Theodore Roosevelt Construction

Spoiler for Theodore Roosevelt Construction     The fine

The fine details of

the faces were achieved with a jackhammer. Operators hung from the top of the mountain in bosun chairs held by steel cables.

Слайд 35 The construction of eyes

The construction of eyes

In order to make the faces more realistic the iris of the eyes were holed and a specially designed piece of granite was kept in the center for light reflection and making the eyes look more realistic.

Слайд 36 Mt. Rushmore under Construction, Black Hills, SD, 1939.

Mt. Rushmore under Construction, Black Hills, SD, 1939.

Слайд 37 Aerial view of Mt. Rushmore

Aerial view of Mt. Rushmore

Слайд 38 At the End of the Construction

At the End of the Construction

Слайд 39

Mount Rushmore has grown in fame as a symbol of America - a symbol of freedom and a hope for people from all cultures and backgrounds.

Слайд 40 The monument of Gutzon Borglum

The monument of Gutzon Borglum

Borglum died in 1941. Today many tourists come to see Mount Rushmore. It is a national memorial.

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  • Количество просмотров: 163
  • Количество скачиваний: 1