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Презентация на тему Своеобразие англо-говорящих стран.

2. If a town name ends in “-burg” it was probably founded as a what?Burg was the original Germanic form (derived from Latin burgus), applied to a fortress or walled town in medieval times. This evolved into a burg being
During the 19th century, Sheffield gained an international reputation for steel production. 2. If a town name ends in “-burg” it was probably founded 3. What are the main ingredients of the British dish known as 4. What is the largest city in Australia?	Sydney is the state capital Sidney 5. Which type of sport has a Three Day Event?	Eventing (also known 6. How many cups of tea does the average Briton drink each Australia experiences temperate weather for most of the year but the climate 8. Who is the most translated British author after Shakespeare?	The Guinness Book 9. What currency is used in New Zealand?	The New Zealand Dollar is the Indian Ocean washes the western coast of Australia.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AustraliaВанцов Никита, ученик 9
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 2. If a town name ends in “-burg”

2. If a town name ends in “-burg” it was probably

it was probably founded as a what?
Burg was the original

Germanic form (derived from Latin burgus), applied to a fortress or walled town in medieval times. This evolved into a burg being a city or town. 

Ванцов Никита, ученик 9 класса, МБОУ СОШ № 11
Педагог-консультант – Турбанова Олимпиада Александровна.

Слайд 3 3. What are the main ingredients
of the

3. What are the main ingredients of the British dish known

British dish known
as “bubble-and-squeak”?
Bubble and squeak is a

traditional English dish made with the shallow-fried leftover vegetables from a roast dinner. The main ingredients are potato and Brussels sprouts, but carrots, peas, cabbages, or any other leftover vegetables can be added. The chopped vegetables (and cold chopped meat if used) are fried in a pan together with mashed potatoes or crushed roast potatoes until the mixture is well-cooked and brown on the sides. The dish is so named because it makes bubbling and squeaking sounds during the cooking process. It is often served with cold meat from the Sunday roast, and pickles or brown sauce, or as an accompaniment to a full English breakfast.
The meat was traditionally added to the bubble and squeak itself, although nowadays it is more commonly made without meat. The earliest known recipe was by Maria Rundell in 1806.
The name bubble and squeak is used primarily in England (for Scotland and Ireland see 'Similar dishes'), and it may also be understood in parts of some other Commonwealth countries and the United States.
Bubble and squeak was a popular dish during World War II, as it was an easy way of using leftovers during a period when most foods were subject to rationing. In more recent times, prepared frozen and tinned versions have become available.

Ванцов Никита, ученик 9 класса, МБОУ СОШ № 11
Педагог-консультант – Турбанова Олимпиада Александровна.

Слайд 4 4. What is the largest city in Australia?

4. What is the largest city in Australia?	Sydney is the state

is the state capital of New South Wales and

the most populous city in Australia and Oceania. Located on Australia's east coast, the metropolis surrounds the world's largest natural harbour, and sprawls towards the Blue Mountains to the west. Residents of Sydney are known as "Sydneysiders". Sydney is the second official seat, and second official residence, of the Governor-General of Australia, the Prime Minister of Australia and the Cabinet of Australia.
The Sydney area has been inhabited by indigenous Australians for tens of millennia. The first British settlers arrived in 1788 to found Sydney as a penal colony, the first European settlement in Australia. Since convict transportation ended in the mid-19th century, the city has transformed from a colonial outpost into a major global cultural and economic centre. The population of Sydney at the time of the 2011 census was 4.39 million, 1.5 million of which were born overseas, representing many different nationalities and making Sydney one of the most multicultural cities in the world. There are more than 250 different languages spoken in Sydney and about one-third of residents speak a language other than English at home.
Sydney has an advanced market economy with strengths in finance, manufacturing and tourism. Its gross regional product was $337 billion in 2013, the largest in Australia. There is a significant concentration of foreign banks and multinational corporations in Sydney and the city is promoted as Asia Pacific's leading financial hub. In addition to hosting events such as the 2000 Summer Olympics, millions of tourists come to Sydney each year to see the city's landmarks. Its natural features include Sydney Harbour, the Royal National Park, Bondi Beach, and the Royal Botanic Gardens. Man-made attractions such as the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge are also well known to international visitors.

Ванцов Никита, ученик 9 класса,
Педагог-консультант – Турбанова Олимпиада Александровна.

Слайд 5 Sidney


Слайд 6 5. Which type of sport
has a Three

5. Which type of sport has a Three Day Event?	Eventing (also

Day Event?
Eventing (also known as horse trials) is an

equestrian event where a single horse and rider combination compete against other combinations across the three disciplines of dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. This event has its roots in a comprehensive cavalry test requiring mastery of several types of riding. The competition may be run as a one-day event (ODE), where all three events are completed in one day (dressage, followed by show jumping and then cross country) or a three-day event (3DE), which is more commonly now run over four days, with dressage on the first two days followed by cross country the next day and then show jumping in reverse order on the final day. Eventing was previously known as Combined Training, and the name persists in many smaller organizations. The term "Combined Training" is sometimes confused with the term "Combined Test" which refers to a combination of just two of the phases, most commonly dressage and show jumping.

Ванцов Никита, ученик 9 класса, МБОУ СОШ № 11
Педагог-консультант – Турбанова Олимпиада Александровна.

Слайд 8 6. How many cups of tea does

6. How many cups of tea does the average Briton drink

average Briton drink each year?
The average British person enjoys

876 cups of tea each year – enough to fill more than two bathtubs – a new study has shown.
The YouGov research, commissioned by older people’s charity Contact the Elderly, revealed that tea drinking increases with age. While 18 to 24 year olds drink eight cups a week, over-55s drink an average of 21 cups a week.
Findings showed almost a quarter of young people are likely to turn to a cup of tea when feeling sad, double that of over-55s. The survey also revealed that a third of women will put the kettle on when they feel unwell, compared to just 16 per cent of men. Across all generations and genders, however, tea is widely considered to combat sadness and loneliness.

Ванцов Никита, ученик 9 класса, МБОУ СОШ № 11
Педагог-консультант – Турбанова Олимпиада Александровна.

Слайд 10 Australia experiences temperate weather for most of the

Australia experiences temperate weather for most of the year but the

year but the climate can vary due to the

size of our continent.

7. When is it colder in Australia:
in November or in December? Why?

The weather is warm to hot over the summer months (December - February) in Perth. The hottest months are usually January and February. The weather is fine and dry, and rain at this time of year is unusual. Perth also enjoys a refreshing afternoon sea breeze known as the Fremantle Doctor which brings welcome relief on hot days. Average summer temperatures range from 27°C -30°C during the day to 15°C minimum at night. Kings Park, Perth's inner city park is the perfect place to spend a sunny afternoon in Perth.

In spring (September - November) days are warm and sunny, especially from October and November with daily temperatures of around 20 - 25°C. There is little rainfall at this time of year and Western Australia comes alive with colourful wildflowers. Follow the Wilderness and Wildflowers Trail in the Botanic Gardens or one of the many trails throughout the region.

Ванцов Никита, ученик 9 класса, МБОУ СОШ № 11
Педагог-консультант – Турбанова Олимпиада Александровна.

Слайд 12 8. Who is the most translated British

8. Who is the most translated British author after Shakespeare?	The Guinness

after Shakespeare?
The Guinness Book of World Records lists Christie

as the best-selling novelist of all time. Her novels have sold roughly 2 billion copies, and her estate claims that her works come third in the rankings of the world's most-widely published books, behind only Shakespeare's works and the Bible. According to Index Translationum, she remains the most-translated individual author – having been translated into at least 103 languages. And Then There Were None is Christie's best-selling novel, with 100 million sales to date, making it the world's best-selling mystery ever, and one of the best-selling books of all time.

Ванцов Никита, ученик 9 класса, МБОУ СОШ № 11
Педагог-консультант – Турбанова Олимпиада Александровна.

Слайд 13 9. What currency is used in New Zealand?

9. What currency is used in New Zealand?	The New Zealand Dollar

New Zealand Dollar is the currency of New Zealand.

Our currency rankings show that the most popular New Zealand Dollar exchange rate is the NZD to AUD rate.

Ванцов Никита, ученик 9 класса, МБОУ СОШ № 11
Педагог-консультант – Турбанова Олимпиада Александровна.

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