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Презентация на тему структура There is/are…

This is my bedroom.
There is…3 класс“Spotlight” This is my bedroom. Найдите в предложениях признаки единственного и множественного числаThere is an elephant.There are two cars. The ruleThere is a blue bed. Там есть голубая кровать.Где «там»?Структура there Is or are?There …… some students in the classroom.There ….. a flower ? There is a big car on What is there in our classroom?DesksComputerWindowsBooksteacher Thank you
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 This is my bedroom.

This is my bedroom.

Слайд 3 Найдите в предложениях признаки единственного и множественного числа


Найдите в предложениях признаки единственного и множественного числаThere is an elephant.There are two cars.

is an elephant.

There are two cars.

Слайд 4 The rule
There is a blue bed.
Там есть

The ruleThere is a blue bed. Там есть голубая кровать.Где «там»?Структура

голубая кровать.
Где «там»?
Структура there is\there are означает: что-то где-то

есть, имеется.

Слайд 5 Is or are?
There …… some students in the

Is or are?There …… some students in the classroom.There ….. a

There ….. a flower on the shelf.
There ….. a

chair next to the table.
There …. two armchairs in my living room.

Слайд 6 ?

There is

? There is a big car on the

a big car on the floor.

There are many toys

in the room.

Is there a big car on the floor?
Yes, there is\No there isn’t
Are there many toys in the room?
Yes, there are\No there aren’t

Слайд 7 What is there in our classroom?

What is there in our classroom?DesksComputerWindowsBooksteacher

  • Имя файла: struktura-there-isare….pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
  • Количество скачиваний: 0