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Презентация на тему Игра по английскому языку Что вы знаете о США? для 9 класса


The United States of AmericaВыполнила: Бернацкая И.П., учитель английского языка, МОУ «Новоигирменская СОШ №3» 10201010101020202020303030303040404040405050505050 Presidents - 10 He was the first president of the USA. George Washington Presidents - 20 He was the third President of the USA. He Thomas Jefferson Presidents - 30 He became the sixteenth President of the USA. He Abraham Lincoln Presidents - 40 He was the thirty-fifth President of the USA. He John Kennedy Presidents - 50 He was the thirty-third President of the USA. He Harry S. Truman Sights, icons - 10It is the national symbol of America. The bold eagle This statue stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. This statue The Statue of Liberty It is the official residence of every President of the USA, except The White House It is the place where laws are made. American Senate’s sittings take The Capitol It is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense. It is in Arlington, The Pentagon American flag - 10How many stars and stripes are there on the American flag? 50 stars and 13 stripes What is the nickname of the American flag?American flag - 20   Who designed the first American flag? American flag - 30 George Washington Who was the first American flag made by?American flag - 40 Betsy Ross, a seamstress from Philadelphia When was the last star, bringing the total to 50, added on In 1960 after Hawaii became a state. Cities - 10 It is the capital of the United States of America. Washington D.C. It is the largest city and the biggest seaport in the USA. It New York It is a district in Los Angelis, California. It is known as It is a center of gambling in America. Its hotels, casinos use Las Vegas It is famous for its “tea party”, which took place in December, Boston Holidays - 10 The celebration of this holiday begins the night New Year's Day This holiday honors the nation's birthday - the adoption of the Declaration Independence Day It is marked on the fourth Thursday of November. On this day Thanksgiving Day It is observed on the third Monday of February in honor the Presidents' Day It is a celebrated on the second Monday in October. The day Columbus Day
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 10


Слайд 3 Presidents - 10
He was the first president

Presidents - 10 He was the first president of the USA.

of the USA.

Слайд 4 George Washington

George Washington

Слайд 5 Presidents - 20
He was the third President

Presidents - 20 He was the third President of the USA.

of the USA. He wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Слайд 6 Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson

Слайд 7 Presidents - 30
He became the sixteenth President

Presidents - 30 He became the sixteenth President of the USA.

of the USA. He wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which

freed the blacks from slavery.

Слайд 8 Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Слайд 9 Presidents - 40
He was the thirty-fifth President

Presidents - 40 He was the thirty-fifth President of the USA.

of the USA. He called for new civil rights

legislation. He was shot to death in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Слайд 10 John Kennedy

John Kennedy

Слайд 11 Presidents - 50
He was the thirty-third President

Presidents - 50 He was the thirty-third President of the USA.

of the USA. He ordered atomic bombs dropped on

Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Слайд 12 Harry S. Truman

Harry S. Truman

Слайд 13 Sights, icons - 10
It is the national symbol

Sights, icons - 10It is the national symbol of America.

of America.

Слайд 14 The bold eagle

The bold eagle

Слайд 15 This statue stands on Liberty Island in New

This statue stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. This

York Harbor. This statue was a present from the

people of France to the people of the USA. It was in 1886.

Sights, icons - 20

Слайд 16 The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty

Слайд 17 It is the official residence of every President

It is the official residence of every President of the USA,

of the USA, except the first president, George Washington.

icons - 30

Слайд 18 The White House

The White House

Слайд 19 It is the place where laws are made.

It is the place where laws are made. American Senate’s sittings

American Senate’s sittings take place there. It is the

tallest building in Washington, D.C.

Sights, icons - 40

Слайд 20 The Capitol

The Capitol

Слайд 21 It is the headquarters of the United States Department

It is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense. It is

of Defense. It is in Arlington, Virginia.
Sights, icons - 50

Слайд 22 The Pentagon

The Pentagon

Слайд 23 American flag - 10
How many stars and stripes

American flag - 10How many stars and stripes are there on the American flag?

are there on the American flag?

Слайд 24 50 stars and 13 stripes

50 stars and 13 stripes

Слайд 25 What is the nickname of the American flag?

What is the nickname of the American flag?American flag - 20

flag - 20

Слайд 26  "Stars and Stripes"


Слайд 27 Who designed the first American flag?
American flag

Who designed the first American flag? American flag - 30

- 30

Слайд 28 George Washington

George Washington

Слайд 29 Who was the first American flag made by?

Who was the first American flag made by?American flag - 40

flag - 40

Слайд 30 Betsy Ross, a seamstress from Philadelphia

Betsy Ross, a seamstress from Philadelphia

Слайд 31 When was the last star, bringing the total

When was the last star, bringing the total to 50, added

to 50, added on the flag?
American flag - 50

Слайд 32 In 1960 after Hawaii became a state.

In 1960 after Hawaii became a state.

Слайд 33 Cities - 10
It is the capital

Cities - 10 It is the capital of the United States of America.

of the United States of America.

Слайд 34 Washington D.C.

Washington D.C.

Слайд 35 It is the largest city and the biggest seaport

It is the largest city and the biggest seaport in the USA.

in the USA. It is informally called "The Big


Cities - 20

Слайд 36 New York

New York

Слайд 37 It is a district in Los Angelis, California.

It is a district in Los Angelis, California. It is known

It is known as a center of the cinema

industry. The main sightseeing of it is Walk of Fame.

Cities - 30

Слайд 39 It is a center of gambling in America.

It is a center of gambling in America. Its hotels, casinos

Its hotels, casinos use so much neon that it

has been nicknamed the City of Lights.

Cities - 40

Слайд 40 Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Слайд 41 It is famous for its “tea party”, which

It is famous for its “tea party”, which took place in

took place in December, 1773. Harvard university is located


Cities - 50

Слайд 42 Boston


Слайд 43 Holidays - 10
The celebration of this holiday begins

Holidays - 10 The celebration of this holiday begins the

the night before, when Americans gather to wish each

other a happy and prosperous coming year.

Слайд 44 New Year's Day

New Year's Day

Слайд 45 This holiday honors the nation's birthday - the

This holiday honors the nation's birthday - the adoption of the

adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4,


Holidays - 20

Слайд 46 Independence Day

Independence Day

Слайд 47 It is marked on the fourth Thursday of

It is marked on the fourth Thursday of November. On this

November. On this day Americans thank their God for

his blessings. Families gather together for a traditional dinner which includes roast turkey and pumpkin pie.

Holidays - 30

Слайд 48 Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day

Слайд 49 It is observed on the third Monday of

It is observed on the third Monday of February in honor

February in honor the first President of the United


Holidays - 40

Слайд 50 Presidents' Day

Presidents' Day

Слайд 51 It is a celebrated on the second Monday

It is a celebrated on the second Monday in October. The

in October. The day commemorates October 12, 1492, when

Italian navigator landed in the New World.

Holidays - 50

  • Имя файла: igra-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-chto-vy-znaete-o-ssha-dlya-9-klassa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 140
  • Количество скачиваний: 0