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Презентация на тему Структура эссе по английскому языку

Use the following plan:Use the following plan:1. make the introduction (state the problem)2. express your point of view and give 2-3 arguments3. express the opposite point of view and give 1-2 arguments supporting it4. say why
Comment on the following statement. Use the following plan:Use the following plan:1. make the introduction (state the Step 1.Make the introduction.Both sides of the arguments.Arguments forArguments against Step 2.Give arguments forAs for…To start with…In fact…As a matter of fact…One It is important to remember…Another argument is…What is more…Further more…More that that…Besides…In Step 3.Give arguments against.However …On the other hand ..But …Nevertheless …The main Step 4.Draw a conclusion.To sum up …In conclusion I would like to Your task is to write an essay.Use the following plan:1. make the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Use the following plan:

Use the following plan:
1. make

Use the following plan:Use the following plan:1. make the introduction (state

the introduction (state the problem)
2. express your point of

view and give 2-3 arguments
3. express the opposite point of view and give 1-2 arguments supporting it
4. say why you disagree with the opposite point of view.
5. draw a conclusion.

Слайд 3 Step 1.
Make the introduction.
Both sides of the arguments.

Step 1.Make the introduction.Both sides of the arguments.Arguments forArguments against

Arguments against

Paraphrase the topic statement,
use synonyms and
different grammar constructions.

While it is true that ….. it mustn’t be forgotten that ….
There is a dispute….
Three is no agreement …
It is often argued that ….
According to ….
The problem of ….. appears to be a hot question.

Слайд 4 Step 2.
Give arguments for
As for…
To start with…
In fact…

Step 2.Give arguments forAs for…To start with…In fact…As a matter of

a matter of fact…
One point of view in favour

of …
The fact is/The thing is/The point is…
It is not surprising that…
It’s well known that…-

If my memory serves me right…
I believe…
As far as I know…
If I am not mistaken…
In my opinion…

Слайд 5 It is important to remember…
Another argument is…
What is

It is important to remember…Another argument is…What is more…Further more…More that

Further more…
More that that…
In addition…

The main advantage…
One major advantage…

Слайд 6 Step 3.
Give arguments against.
However …
On the other hand

Step 3.Give arguments against.However …On the other hand ..But …Nevertheless …The

But …
Nevertheless …
The main disadvantage of …
The main drawback

of …
Even though …
One argument against …

Слайд 7 Step 4.
Draw a conclusion.
To sum up …
In conclusion

Step 4.Draw a conclusion.To sum up …In conclusion I would like

I would like to stress …
All in all I

believe that …
In general …
To make a long story short…

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-struktura-esse-po-angliyskomu-yazyku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 176
  • Количество скачиваний: 0