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Презентация на тему к уроку Getting around in London 6 класс

Red Double-Decker Bus
Getting around in London Red Double-Decker Bus You can see these red double-decker buses in London. They are tall but they are not very fast. Tourists like taking these buses because they can have a nice view Over 3 million people a day use the Undeground in London. The Undeground, we can name  “the Tube” Don’t forget a Tube map with you! Black cab True or false  -The London Underground is also called the metro. Find words and phrases in the text1) Могут доставить вас куда захотите2) 1) Can take you to any place you want2) Journey3) A nice
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4 Red Double-Decker Bus

Red Double-Decker Bus

Слайд 5 You can see these red double-decker buses in

You can see these red double-decker buses in London.


Слайд 6 They are tall but they are not very

They are tall but they are not very fast.


Слайд 7 Tourists like taking these buses because they can

Tourists like taking these buses because they can have a nice

have a nice view of the city from the

upper deck.

Слайд 8 Over 3 million people a day use the

Over 3 million people a day use the Undeground in London.

Undeground in London.

Слайд 9 The Undeground, we can name “the Tube”

The Undeground, we can name “the Tube”

Слайд 10 Don’t forget a Tube map with you!

Don’t forget a Tube map with you!

Слайд 11 Black cab

Black cab

Слайд 13 True or false -The London Underground is also called

True or false -The London Underground is also called the metro.

the metro. -A black cab is a London taxi. -

Buses in London are faster than trains. -A double-decker is a bus with two levels. -A cabbie is the driver of a London taxi.

Слайд 14 Find words and phrases in the text
1) Могут

Find words and phrases in the text1) Могут доставить вас куда

доставить вас куда захотите
2) Путешествие
3) Отличный обзор
4) Багаж
5) Проходят


Слайд 15 1) Can take you to any place you

1) Can take you to any place you want2) Journey3) A

2) Journey
3) A nice view
4) Luggage
5) Take a test

of their knowledge

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-getting-around-in-london-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 131
  • Количество скачиваний: 0