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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка Телевидение в нашей жизни

It goes without saying that television plays a very important part in our everyday life. We can’t imagine our life without television. Of course watching TV has its good and bad side.
TELEVISIONIN OUR LIFE It goes without saying that television plays a very important part in On the one hand we get information about the world from TV. We can see people taking part in different discussions, watching sport events This is twice important because most theatres and concert-halls are concentrated in Television broadcasts informative talks on archeology, history, geography, science and technology. We can hear critics talking about new books, films, plays and work of art. Above all there are TV programmes dealing with animals and birds and On the other hand, we tend to view more and listen less. Some of the films are pretty violent. People there keep hitting and There’s a lot of violence in our everyday life: most of the Scientists, doctors and psychologists say that after parents, television has the greatest When a child watches TV, he lives the lives of TV heroes, Besides, TV influence the creative abilities of pupils. In America there was When a child watches TV, everything seems very easy to him. And I don’t think watching television is a waste of time but too
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 It goes without saying that television plays a

It goes without saying that television plays a very important part

very important part in our everyday life. We can’t

imagine our life without television.
Of course watching TV has its good and bad side.

Слайд 3 On the one hand we get information about

On the one hand we get information about the world from

the world from TV. It provides programmes of music,

drama, light entertainment, variety and films.

Слайд 4 We can see people taking part in different

We can see people taking part in different discussions, watching sport

discussions, watching sport events in actual progress, listening to

symphony concerts, operas and popular melodies without going to the concert-hall.

Слайд 5 This is twice important because most theatres and

This is twice important because most theatres and concert-halls are concentrated

concert-halls are concentrated in big cities. And the majority

of the population living in the country-side has no possibility to visit them very often.

Слайд 6 Television broadcasts informative talks on archeology, history, geography,

Television broadcasts informative talks on archeology, history, geography, science and technology.

science and technology.

Слайд 7 We can hear critics talking about new books,

We can hear critics talking about new books, films, plays and work of art.

films, plays and work of art.

Слайд 8 Above all there are TV programmes dealing with

Above all there are TV programmes dealing with animals and birds

animals and birds and all kinds of living things

in their natural surroundings. I like this programmes very much and try not to miss them.

Слайд 9 On the other hand, we tend to view

On the other hand, we tend to view more and listen

more and listen less. Television seems to have more

fans than other kinds of mass media. And the influence of television can be not only positive.

Слайд 10 Some of the films are pretty violent. People

Some of the films are pretty violent. People there keep hitting

there keep hitting and shooting each other from the

very beginning of the film till the end.
I don’t think violence is what we need now.

Слайд 11 There’s a lot of violence in our everyday

There’s a lot of violence in our everyday life: most of

life: most of the news in every newspaper seems

to be about crime. All this influence people, especially children, greatly.

Слайд 12 Scientists, doctors and psychologists say that after parents,

Scientists, doctors and psychologists say that after parents, television has the

television has the greatest influence on children today. When

children spend all day in front of TV sets they cannot usually find time to read, play games, talk to their parents. Television makes children passive.

Слайд 13 When a child watches TV, he lives the

When a child watches TV, he lives the lives of TV

lives of TV heroes, he travels with them, does

everything with them. But he is not doing anything, he is just sitting in an armchair and watching TV.

Слайд 14 Besides, TV influence the creative abilities of pupils.

Besides, TV influence the creative abilities of pupils. In America there

In America there was such an experiment. 250 good

pupils could watch TV for many hours every day. After three weeks the pupils were tested. The results were unusually low.

Слайд 15 When a child watches TV, everything seems very

When a child watches TV, everything seems very easy to him.

easy to him. And real life begins to seem

easy. He cannot work hard because watching TV does not need hard work. That is why we should watch TV with measure, choosing the most interesting and useful programmes.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-televidenie-v-nashey-zhizni.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 191
  • Количество скачиваний: 1