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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Оборот there is/there are (4 класс)

Посмотри на фотографию гостиной Хоббита. Запомни названия предметов, которые в ней находятся.
What is there in your house? There is/There are Посмотри на фотографию гостиной Хоббита. Запомни названия предметов, которые в ней находятся. Say if they are right or wrongThe Fly lives in a big You should guess words which are encoded here putting letters in the correct order. AnswersJeans, sofa, armchair, room, monkey, yellow, window HomeworkEx. 1 p. 58. You should put words in the sentences in the correct order. Good
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Посмотри на фотографию гостиной Хоббита. Запомни названия предметов,

Посмотри на фотографию гостиной Хоббита. Запомни названия предметов, которые в ней находятся.

которые в ней находятся.

Слайд 3 Say if they are right or wrong
The Fly

Say if they are right or wrongThe Fly lives in a

lives in a big house.
The children don’t sing songs

at school.
The Fly and the Pig are very good friends.
The Fly can sing the song.
The Pig and the Fly sing the song together.
The children run to the garden and play with the Pig.
“I want to make friends with you”, the Pig says to the Fly.

Слайд 4 You should guess words which are encoded here

You should guess words which are encoded here putting letters in the correct order.

putting letters in the correct order.

Слайд 5 Answers

AnswersJeans, sofa, armchair, room, monkey, yellow, window

Слайд 6 Homework
Ex. 1 p. 58.
You should put words

HomeworkEx. 1 p. 58. You should put words in the sentences in the correct order.

in the sentences in the correct order.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-oborot-there-isthere-are-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0