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Презентация на тему Типы вопросительных предложений

General or Yes/No QuestionsCommon questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” are logically called yes/no questions.Are you a student?Do you live in Russia?Is it cold outside?
Types of questionsVoronina M.V. General or Yes/No QuestionsCommon questions that can be answered with a simple Special or Wh-QuestionsA special question, as you can guess, uses a certain Question=words Tag QuestionsThis type of question is also made up of two parts, Alternative QuestionsThis type of questions present two or more alternatives, as in Mr. Ivanov is from Russia. The car isn't in the garage. Your
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 General or Yes/No Questions
Common questions that can be

General or Yes/No QuestionsCommon questions that can be answered with a

answered with a simple “yes” or “no” are logically

called yes/no questions.

Are you a student?
Do you live in Russia?
Is it cold outside?

Слайд 3 Special or Wh-Questions
A special question, as you can

Special or Wh-QuestionsA special question, as you can guess, uses a

guess, uses a certain word at the beginning of

the sentence. The questions words who, what, where, when, why, how, how many, etc.

What is your name?
Where do you live?
Whose books are on the table?

Слайд 4 Question=words


Слайд 5 Tag Questions
This type of question is also made

Tag QuestionsThis type of question is also made up of two

up of two parts, where the first part is

a positive statement, and the second part is negative, or vice-versa.

She sent him an invitation, didn’t she?
Jane isn’t in France, is she?
Our dad will come soon, won’t he?

Слайд 6 Alternative Questions
This type of questions present two or

Alternative QuestionsThis type of questions present two or more alternatives, as

more alternatives, as in "Do you want fish or

lamb?” They cannot be answered with yes or no.

Shall we go train or by bus?
Do you like apricots or peaches?
Has he got Mercedes or BMW?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-tipy-voprositelnyh-predlozheniy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 141
  • Количество скачиваний: 1