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Презентация на тему Урок 8 класс по теме: Выдающиеся люди

They were born in Liverpool
They were born in Liverpool John LennonJohn Lennon Paul McCartney And I Love Her George Harrison Ringo Starr The Beatles Yesterday What do you know about “The Beatles”?Quiz Can you put these first names and surnames together to make the The correct answerPaul McCartneyRingo StarrGeorge HarrisonJohn Lennon Which city in England did “The Beatles” come from?London ManchesterLiverpool What was the first name of the group?a) Johnny and Moondogs What was the Beatles’ first really big hit?  a) “Please Please In which year did they have their first hit? a) 1970 b) 1962 c) 1948 Who was the manager of the group?  a) Brian Epstein To whom did Paul devote the song “And I Love Her”? a) What was the name of their first film? a) Across the Universe You have done a good job! Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку The  Beatlesв 10-11 классах.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
They were born in Liverpool

They were born in Liverpool

Слайд 3
John Lennon

John Lennon

John LennonJohn Lennon

Слайд 6
Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney

Слайд 9 And I Love Her

And I Love Her

Слайд 11
George Harrison

George Harrison

Слайд 13
Ringo Starr

Ringo Starr

Слайд 14
The Beatles

The Beatles

Слайд 19


Слайд 25
What do you know about “The Beatles”?

What do you know about “The Beatles”?Quiz

Слайд 26 Can you put these first names and surnames

Can you put these first names and surnames together to make

together to make the names of the four Beatles?

Слайд 27 The correct answer

Paul McCartney
Ringo Starr
George Harrison
John Lennon

The correct answerPaul McCartneyRingo StarrGeorge HarrisonJohn Lennon

Слайд 28 Which city in England did “The Beatles” come

Which city in England did “The Beatles” come from?London ManchesterLiverpool




Слайд 29 What was the first name of the group?

What was the first name of the group?a) Johnny and Moondogs

Johnny and Moondogs


The Quarry Men

c) The Beatles

d) The Silver Beatles

Слайд 30 What was the Beatles’ first really big hit?

What was the Beatles’ first really big hit? a) “Please Please Me”b) “Imagine”c) “Love Me Do”

a) “Please Please Me”

b) “Imagine”

c) “Love Me Do”

Слайд 31 In which year did they have their first

In which year did they have their first hit? a) 1970 b) 1962 c) 1948

a) 1970

b) 1962

c) 1948

Слайд 32 Who was the manager of the group?

Who was the manager of the group? a) Brian Epstein

a) Brian Epstein

b) Dick James


George Martin

Слайд 33 To whom did Paul devote the song “And

To whom did Paul devote the song “And I Love Her”?

I Love Her”?
a) Madonna

b) Georgia Brown

c) Jane Asher

d) Linda McCartney

Слайд 34 What was the name of their first film?

What was the name of their first film? a) Across the

a) Across the Universe

b) Magical Mystery Tour


A Hard Day’s Night

d) A Day in the Life

Слайд 35 You have done a good job!

You have done a good job!

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  • Количество просмотров: 164
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