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Презентация на тему Парки Лондона 5 класс презентация

1. The park is called...2. It is full of... / It is rich in...3. It is famous for…4. People can... In the park.Let’s tell about the park!
WELCOME TO LONDON!  HAVE YOU EVER WALKED IN LONDON’S PARKS? 1. The park is called...2. It is full of... / It is Hyde Park St. James’s Park Kensington Gardens Regent’s Park http://blogs.privet.ru/community/AnimeRola/58828970- виды Hyde Parkhttp://www.worlds.ru/europe/great_britain/history-gajjd-park.shtml-http://www.worlds.ru/europe/great_britain/history-gajjd-park.shtml- виды Hyde Park http://fotoholiday.ru/london?view=637335- виды Hyde Park( уголок
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 1. The park is called...
2. It is full

1. The park is called...2. It is full of... / It

of... / It is rich in...
3. It is famous

4. People can... In the park.

Let’s tell about the park!

Слайд 4
Hyde Park

Hyde Park

Слайд 5
St. James’s Park

St. James’s Park

Слайд 6
Kensington Gardens

Kensington Gardens

Слайд 7
Regent’s Park

Regent’s Park

  • Имя файла: parki-londona-5-klass-prezentatsiya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 0