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Презентация на тему к уроку Have you ever…?, 5 класс

The Present Perfect 
Have you ever…? The Present Perfect  Present Perfect  never (никогда),  ever (когда-нибудь). Make sentences from these words. Translate them into Russian. built / never Check and read.He has never built a house.They have never seen London.Have Write questions about these things. Start with Have you ever seen...? Have you ever seen…? Have you ever seen…? Have you ever seen…? Have you ever gone on …? Have you ever seen…? Have you ever seen …? Ask and answer the questions. Write questions about these places. Have you ever been to…? Have you ever been to…? Have you ever been to…? Have you ever been to…? Have you ever been to…? FriendsGuess the meaning of the underlined word The giraffe is the tallest animal  in the world. EnglishIn focus Elton Jon is an English pop singer Jumbo jet is a very large plane for carrying passengers Stand up, please and do morning exercises with me:Hands up! Hands down!Hands Listen and read.to lose [l u: z] – проигрыватьto do a parachute Ex.6.p.158.	Misha is trying to make new friends. 	The boys from his class Boys:Have you met famous people? Have you tried English tea? Have you Boys:Have you ever found money? Have you travelled to Spain? Have you Ex.7p.159.Find the negative and positive sentences in the song. Translate them into Russian. Ex.8.p.159.  Answer: true, false or no information.1.Misha has never met a Ex.9.p.159.  Fill in the table with the verbs from the song. HomeworkEx. A,B,C,D p.160 – in your textbookEx. A,B,C,D p.25. – in your Goodbye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 The Present Perfect

The Present Perfect 

Слайд 4 Present Perfect never (никогда),

Present Perfect never (никогда), ever (когда-нибудь). Never используется в

ever (когда-нибудь).
Never используется в отрицательных предложениях, действия которых

еще не происходили в чьей-либо жизни.
/ have never seen a tiger in my life.— Я никогда в своей жизни не видел тигра.
Ever используется в вопросительных предложениях.
Have you ever played football? — Вы когда-нибудь играли в футбол?

Слайд 5 Make sentences from these words. Translate them into

Make sentences from these words. Translate them into Russian. built /

built / never / has / he / a

house /.
London / they / seen / have / never /.
have / read / you / ever / this book /?
have / I / met / him / never /.

Слайд 6 Check and read.
He has never built a house.

Check and read.He has never built a house.They have never seen

have never seen London.
Have you ever read this book

I have never met him.

Слайд 7 Write questions about these things. Start with Have

Write questions about these things. Start with Have you ever seen...?

you ever seen...?

Слайд 8 Have you ever seen…?

Have you ever seen…?

Слайд 9 Have you ever seen…?

Have you ever seen…?

Слайд 10 Have you ever seen…?

Have you ever seen…?

Слайд 11 Have you ever gone on …?

Have you ever gone on …?

Слайд 12 Have you ever seen…?

Have you ever seen…?

Слайд 13 Have you ever seen …?

Have you ever seen …?

Слайд 14 Ask and answer the questions. Write questions about

Ask and answer the questions. Write questions about these places.

these places. Start with Have you ever been to...?

Слайд 15 Have you ever been to…?

Have you ever been to…?

Слайд 16 Have you ever been to…?

Have you ever been to…?

Слайд 17 Have you ever been to…?

Have you ever been to…?

Слайд 18 Have you ever been to…?

Have you ever been to…?

Слайд 19 Have you ever been to…?

Have you ever been to…?

Слайд 20 Friends
Guess the meaning of the underlined word

FriendsGuess the meaning of the underlined word

Слайд 21 The giraffe is the tallest animal in the

The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world.


Слайд 22
In focus

EnglishIn focus

Слайд 23 Elton Jon is an English pop singer

Elton Jon is an English pop singer

Слайд 24 Jumbo jet is a very large plane for

Jumbo jet is a very large plane for carrying passengers

carrying passengers

Слайд 26 Stand up, please and do morning exercises with

Stand up, please and do morning exercises with me:Hands up! Hands

Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips! Sit down!
Hands up!

To the sides!
Bend left! Bend right!
One, two, three…Hop!
One, two, three…Stop!

Слайд 27 Listen and read.
to lose [l u: z] –

Listen and read.to lose [l u: z] – проигрыватьto do a

to do a parachute jump – прыгать с парашютом

dive - нырять

Слайд 28 Ex.6.p.158.
Misha is trying to make new friends.

Ex.6.p.158.	Misha is trying to make new friends. 	The boys from his

boys from his class are asking him a lot

of questions.
Listen and read.

Слайд 29 Boys:
Have you met famous people? Have you tried

Boys:Have you met famous people? Have you tried English tea? Have

English tea? Have you ever fallen off a very

high tree? Have you ever played golf? Have you lost? Have you won? And what's the coolest thing you have ever done?
I have met Elton John, And I've tried English tea. I have never fallen off a very high tree, But when I was eleven, I did a parachute jump. And that's the coolest thing I have ever done.

Слайд 30 Boys:
Have you ever found money? Have you travelled

Boys:Have you ever found money? Have you travelled to Spain? Have

to Spain? Have you ever gone on a jumbo

jet plane? Do you know how to dive? Have you swum in the sea? And what's the coolest thing you have ever seen?
I have never found money, And I haven't been to Spain, And I've never gone on a jumbo jet plane. But I've seen a giraffe, It walked down our street. And that's the coolest thing I have ever seen.

Слайд 31 Ex.7p.159.
Find the negative and positive sentences in the

Ex.7p.159.Find the negative and positive sentences in the song. Translate them into Russian.

Translate them into Russian.

Слайд 32 Ex.8.p.159. Answer: true, false or no information.

1.Misha has

Ex.8.p.159. Answer: true, false or no information.1.Misha has never met a

never met a famous person.
2.Misha has fallen off a

high tree and that's the coolest thing has ever done.
3. Misha has swum in the sea.
4. Misha doesn't know how to dive.
5. Misha hasn't been to Spain.
6. Misha has never played football.
7. A jumbo jet is a plane.

Слайд 33 Ex.9.p.159. Fill in the table with the verbs

Ex.9.p.159. Fill in the table with the verbs from the song.

from the song.

Слайд 34 Homework
Ex. A,B,C,D p.160 – in your textbook
Ex. A,B,C,D

HomeworkEx. A,B,C,D p.160 – in your textbookEx. A,B,C,D p.25. – in

– in your copybook
And the special task is

— please find in your workbooks 2 Cut Out section and cut out the cards with the words.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-have-you-ever…-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 189
  • Количество скачиваний: 6