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Презентация на тему Викторина Знаешь ли ты хорошо географию? на английском языке

Which is the most populous continent?
Do you know geography well? Which is the most populous continent? Asia Which river is the longer? A The Mississippi B The Volga The Mississippi Which city is older?  A New York London Which is the biggest ocean on our  planet?  A The The Pacific Which  is the smallest country? A Vatican City B Monaco C San Marino Vatican City Which country is bigger? A The USA B The UK The USA Which is the highest mountain ? A Elbrus B Everest Everest
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Which is the most populous continent?

Which is the most populous continent?

Слайд 4 Which river is the longer? A The Mississippi B The

Which river is the longer? A The Mississippi B The Volga


Слайд 5 The Mississippi

The Mississippi

Слайд 6 Which city is older? A New York

Which city is older? A New York

B London

Слайд 7 London


Слайд 8 Which is the biggest ocean on our planet?

Which is the biggest ocean on our planet? A The Atlantic B The Pacific

A The Atlantic B The Pacific

Слайд 9 The Pacific

The Pacific

Слайд 10 Which is the smallest country? A Vatican City B Monaco C

Which is the smallest country? A Vatican City B Monaco C San Marino

San Marino

Слайд 11 Vatican City

Vatican City

Слайд 12 Which country is bigger? A The USA B The UK

Which country is bigger? A The USA B The UK

Слайд 13 The USA


Слайд 14 Which is the highest mountain ? A Elbrus B

Which is the highest mountain ? A Elbrus B Everest


  • Имя файла: viktorina-znaesh-li-ty-horosho-geografiyu-na-angliyskom-yazyke.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 0