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Презентация на тему по английскому языку по теме William Shakespeare

Choose the right answer:a) in Londonb) in Stratford–upon-Avonc) in Glasgow1. Where was Shakespeare born?
Интерактивный тест «William Shakespeare»(по теме «Знаменитые люди Великобритании»)Автор презентацииРемизова Ирина Васильевна, учитель Choose the right answer:a) in Londonb) in Stratford–upon-Avonc) in Glasgow1. Where was Shakespeare born? a) in 1562 b) in 1563c) in 1564 2. When was Shakespeare born? 3.Where did Shakespeare study?a) at Grammar schoolb) High schoolc) Private school 4.When did Shakespeare leave school?a) when he was 14b) when he was 5. What was his father?a) a writer b) a farmerc) a glove maker 6. How old was Shakespeare when he married?a) 21 years old b) 7. How many children did Shakespeare have?a) 1 b) 2c) 3 8. Where did Shakespeare go to work?a) to Londonc) to Glasgowb) to Stratford–upon-Avon 9. When did Shakespeare go to work?a) in 1587c) in 1589b) in 1588 10. How many plays did Shakespeare write?a) 23c) 35b) 37 11. How many plays were published in his lifetime?a) 18c) 37b) 27 12. Where did Shakespeare begin his acting career?a) in the “Globe”c) in 13.What did the acting troop do when they could no longer use 14. Who played the part of Juliet in those days ?a) a 15. Who closed the Globe Theatre?a) Puritans c) Henry VIIIb) George IV 16. How long was Shakespeare connected with the best theatres of England?a) 17. When did Shakespeare die?a) in 1614c) in 1616b) in 1615 Список источников основного содержанияSpeak Out № 2 /2000, журнал для изучающих английский список источников иллюстраций:http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Observer/Pix/pictures/2010/3/12/1268405220516/William-Shakespeare-portr-007.jpg прижизненный портрет Шекспира,1610г. http://az.lib.ru/img/w/wengerow_s_a/text_0480oldorfo/v23.jpg -Грамматическая школа, где учился Шекспирhttp://kellyheng.pbworks.com/f/1206122409/wsbpjdf_06.jpg
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Choose the right answer:
a) in London
b) in Stratford–

Choose the right answer:a) in Londonb) in Stratford–upon-Avonc) in Glasgow1. Where was Shakespeare born?

in Glasgow

1. Where was Shakespeare born?

Слайд 3 a) in 1562

b) in 1563
c) in 1564

a) in 1562 b) in 1563c) in 1564 2. When was Shakespeare born?

2. When was Shakespeare born?

Слайд 4 3.Where did Shakespeare study?

a) at Grammar school
b) High

3.Where did Shakespeare study?a) at Grammar schoolb) High schoolc) Private school

c) Private school

Слайд 5 4.When did Shakespeare leave school?
a) when he was

4.When did Shakespeare leave school?a) when he was 14b) when he

b) when he was 13
c) when he was 17

Слайд 6 5. What was his father?

a) a writer

5. What was his father?a) a writer b) a farmerc) a glove maker

a farmer
c) a glove maker

Слайд 7 6. How old was Shakespeare when he married?


6. How old was Shakespeare when he married?a) 21 years old

21 years old
b) 24 years old
c) 18

years old

Слайд 8 7. How many children did Shakespeare have?

a) 1

7. How many children did Shakespeare have?a) 1 b) 2c) 3

b) 2
c) 3

Слайд 9
8. Where did Shakespeare go to work?
a) to

8. Where did Shakespeare go to work?a) to Londonc) to Glasgowb) to Stratford–upon-Avon

c) to Glasgow
b) to Stratford–upon-Avon

Слайд 10
9. When did Shakespeare go to work?
a) in

9. When did Shakespeare go to work?a) in 1587c) in 1589b) in 1588

c) in 1589
b) in 1588

Слайд 11
10. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
a) 23

10. How many plays did Shakespeare write?a) 23c) 35b) 37

b) 37

Слайд 12 11. How many plays were published in his

11. How many plays were published in his lifetime?a) 18c) 37b) 27

a) 18
c) 37
b) 27

Слайд 13 12. Where did Shakespeare begin his acting career?

12. Where did Shakespeare begin his acting career?a) in the “Globe”c)

in the “Globe”
c) in the “Playhouse”
b) in the “Theatre”

Слайд 14 13.What did the acting troop do when they

13.What did the acting troop do when they could no longer

could no longer use the land that their theatre

was built on?

a) sold the Theatre

b) left the Theatre

c) carried it across the river

Слайд 15 14. Who played the part of Juliet in

14. Who played the part of Juliet in those days ?a)

those days ?
a) a girl
c) a man
b) a woman

Слайд 16 15. Who closed the Globe Theatre?
a) Puritans

15. Who closed the Globe Theatre?a) Puritans c) Henry VIIIb) George IV

Henry VIII
b) George IV

Слайд 17 16. How long was Shakespeare connected with the

16. How long was Shakespeare connected with the best theatres of

best theatres of England?
a) twenty years
c) thirty years
b) twenty-five


Слайд 18
17. When did Shakespeare die?
a) in 1614
c) in

17. When did Shakespeare die?a) in 1614c) in 1616b) in 1615

b) in 1615

Слайд 19 Список источников основного содержания
Speak Out № 2 /2000,

Список источников основного содержанияSpeak Out № 2 /2000, журнал для изучающих

журнал для изучающих английский язык, с.2-5.
55 устных тем по

английскому языку для школьников, автор Т.Ю. Журина, Москва, издательский дом "Дрофа", 1997, с.81
Английский язык, учебник для VI класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей; Москва, "Просвещение", 1999, с. 149

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-po-teme-william-shakespeare.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 173
  • Количество скачиваний: 0