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Презентация на тему по английскому языку к учебнику О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой

The name Canada is believed to come from the Indian word Kanata, meaning ‘”village” or ”community”. This fact alone shows that the native population of the country consisted mostly of Indian tribes.
CANADAПрезентация подготовленаучителем английского языкаМАОУ «Средняя школа №72»Г. УльяновскаКрасновой О.В. The name Canada is believed to come from the Indian word Kanata, Canada is the world’s second largest country after Russia and the largest Maple leaf – the most important symbol of the countryThe capilal is Great Lakes The southern areas are populated as it is moderate climate there.The north The population of Canada is over 30 million, about 80% of which Ottawa VancouverWooden bridge Сapillano Toronto Montreal QuebecCanada has 10 provinces and 3 territories, Each with its own capital gasoilcoaliron orenickelcopperCanada is rich inagricultural productsgoldwood Forests cover about half of Canada.They are the basis for such important beaverminkskunkblack bearcariboumoosesquirrel Canada is a constitutional monarchyElizabeth II, Queen of England, is also Canada’s the Queen   the SenateLegislative power Parliament the House of Commons104 EducationEach of the provinces and territories administers itsown educational system.Schools are operated Some interesting places in Canada The Ice Hotel Dotted Lake Prince Eduard”s Island Canada is worth visiting!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The name Canada is believed to come from

The name Canada is believed to come from the Indian word

the Indian word Kanata, meaning ‘”village” or

fact alone shows that the native population
of the country consisted mostly of Indian tribes.

Слайд 3 Canada is the world’s second largest country after

Canada is the world’s second largest country after Russia and the

Russia and the largest country in the Western Hemisphere.

Six distinct time

Some part is
the Arctic Circle

Слайд 4 Maple leaf – the most important
symbol of

Maple leaf – the most important symbol of the countryThe capilal

the country
The capilal is Ottawa
Its currency is the Canadian


Слайд 5 Great Lakes

Great Lakes

Слайд 6 The southern areas are populated as it is

The southern areas are populated as it is moderate climate there.The

moderate climate there.
The north is characterized by very long,

cold winters and cool summer months.
The most humid areas are in the west,
where winds from the Pacific Ocean bring a lot of rain.

Слайд 7 The population of Canada is over 30 million,

The population of Canada is over 30 million, about 80% of

about 80% of which live in the south.
About three

quarters of population live in towns and cities.

Слайд 8 Ottawa


Слайд 9 Vancouver
Wooden bridge Сapillano

VancouverWooden bridge Сapillano

Слайд 10 Toronto


Слайд 11 Montreal


Слайд 12 Quebec
Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories,

QuebecCanada has 10 provinces and 3 territories, Each with its own

with its own capital city.
French Canadians are mostly concentrated

in the
province of Quebec. They have kept not only their
language, but also their own culture.

Слайд 13 gas
iron ore
Canada is rich in

gasoilcoaliron orenickelcopperCanada is rich inagricultural productsgoldwood

Слайд 14 Forests cover about half
of Canada.
They are the

Forests cover about half of Canada.They are the basis for such

basis for such
important industries such
as lumbering and

Forests also give home
to deer and caribou,
squirrels, minks, skunks,
mooses, beavers, black bears
and other animals.

Слайд 15 beaver
black bear

beaverminkskunkblack bearcariboumoosesquirrel

Слайд 16 Canada is a constitutional monarchy
Elizabeth II, Queen of

Canada is a constitutional monarchyElizabeth II, Queen of England, is also

is also Canada’s Queen and sovereign of a

number of realms.
The Queen is the head of state, and is represented in Canada by the governor-general.

Слайд 17 the Queen the Senate
Legislative power

the Queen  the SenateLegislative power Parliament the House of Commons104

the House of Commons
104 appointed members
prime minister
and about

elected members

Liberal Party
Progressive Conservative Party
New Democratic Party

Слайд 18 Education
Each of the provinces and territories administers its

EducationEach of the provinces and territories administers itsown educational system.Schools are

educational system.
Schools are operated by local education authorities .

6-8 years

Secondary Schooling
3-5 years



The University of Toronto

Слайд 19 Some interesting places
in Canada

Some interesting places in Canada

Слайд 20 The Ice Hotel

The Ice Hotel

Слайд 21 Dotted Lake

Dotted Lake

Слайд 22 Prince Eduard”s Island

Prince Eduard”s Island

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-k-uchebniku-ovafanasevoy-ivmiheevoy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 159
  • Количество скачиваний: 0