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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Музыка

“People need all kinds of music – from a simple flute melody to sound great symphony orchestra, from the unpretentious pop songs to Beethoven’s Sonatas” a simple flute melody - простого напева свирели
Amazing “People need all kinds of music – from a simple flute melody What do we need to create a tune? 12-11  “5”10-9   “4”8-7    “3” Complete the textA. young people can learn their national culture and folk MЬMusic stylepopjazzfolkclassical rockrock’n’roll True or false1. At the beginning Richard names music styles2. Richard goes Answers1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T Home task Write an essay about “ Music in my life”“3” –
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 “People need all kinds of music – from

“People need all kinds of music – from a simple flute

a simple flute melody to sound great symphony orchestra,

from the unpretentious pop songs to Beethoven’s Sonatas” a simple flute melody - простого напева свирели the unpretentious pop songs- незатейливой популярной песенки

Слайд 3 What do we need to create a tune?

What do we need to create a tune?

Слайд 5 12-11 “5”
10-9 “4”

12-11 “5”10-9  “4”8-7  “3”


Слайд 6

What music do you listen to?" There are many musical styles. Some of them are popular among the young people. Others are popular with grown-ups. I think we like music because (1)________________. That is why different people like different musical styles. For example, the music of Mozart. Now it is called classical music. Everyone admires Mozart, both the young and the old. But for his time Mozart was a revolutionary, he (2)_________. I think young people all over the world like classical music. My favorite classical composer is Mozart. Classical music is international, but every nation has its own music, folk music. The British are very fond of their folk music. They hold special Folk festivals, where (3)____________ There are special musical styles as jazz. I know that jazz (4)_____________in the southern states of the USA at the beginning of the XX century. I like jazz compositions because they are rhythmical. It is easy to dance to them. My parents like jazz too. Still young people like light music(5)_________. Some like techno, heavy metal and rap. Most of my friends like dancing music for parties. As for me, I like pop music, because it is light, and improves my mood when I am gloomy. I like to watch video clips of Philip Kirkorov, Madonna, and Brittney Spears. Their clips are pieces of art. Their songs are melodical and romantic. I respect Madonna and Alsou. I see that they work hard. That is why their songs are so popular. I also like to dance. Pop music is very rhythmical and (6)____________

Слайд 7 Complete the text
A. young people can learn their

Complete the textA. young people can learn their national culture and

national culture and folk music. B. it is easy to

dance to it.
C. music expresses some ideas which are important for us
D. reformed the opera and introduced some new ideas
E. such as pop, rock, rock’n’roll
F. appeared as the music of black orchestras

1 - C 2 -D 3 - A 4 - F 5 - E 6 – B
0-1 “5” 2 – “4” 3 – “3”

Слайд 8
Music style

MЬMusic stylepopjazzfolkclassical rockrock’n’roll

Слайд 9 True or false
1. At the beginning Richard names

True or false1. At the beginning Richard names music styles2. Richard

music styles
2. Richard goes to the studio
3. Richard talks

to one of the musicians there.
4. The Studio has been open for twenty-six years.
5. They deal with a variety of music and musicians.

Слайд 11 Answers
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. T

Answers1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T

0- “5” 1- “4” 2- “3”

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-muzyka.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
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