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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Crimea

General The Crimean Peninsula is situated in the Central Europe on the North of the Black Sea.
CRIMEA CRIMEA General The Crimean Peninsula is situated in the Central Europe on the Crimea is washed by the two seas - by the Black Sea Is Crimea an island or a peninsula? General The Crimean Peninsula is connected to mainland Ukraine by two narrow General The territory of Crimea is 27,000 km2. The population is over What is the capital of Crimea?Bahchisaray Simferopol Sevastopol Simferopol  is the capital of Crimea .  It is an important political, economic, Sevastopol(the Greek name - Hersonissos) - a city located Sevastopol is the naval base of the Black Sea fleet of Russia.The Bakhchysarai is a city in central Crimea, the former capital of the Geographical position and physical features The surface of Crimea varies greatly And the Crimean Mountains in the south. The Crimean Mountains consist of a narrow range of foothills and Below the mountains in the south there is a narrow coastal lowland The rivers are short and shallow . The most important of There are many beautiful lakes in the steppe and mountainous parts of Most of Crimea has a temperate continental climate and a humid In the winter snow can cover the mountains and make the roads almost impossable. Climate However it almost never snows on the southern coast of Crimea. Climate The main branches of the modern Crimean economy are tourism and agriculture. Economy The most important industries in Crimea include food production, chemical fields, mechanical Agriculture includes cereals, vegetable-growing, gardening, and wine-making, particularly in the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 General
The Crimean Peninsula is situated in the

General The Crimean Peninsula is situated in the Central Europe on

Central Europe on the North of the Black Sea.

Слайд 3 Crimea is washed by the two seas -

Crimea is washed by the two seas - by the Black

by the Black Sea and by the Sea of



the Sea of Azov

the Black Sea

Слайд 4
Is Crimea an island or a peninsula?

Is Crimea an island or a peninsula?

Слайд 5 General
The Crimean Peninsula is connected to mainland

General The Crimean Peninsula is connected to mainland Ukraine by two

Ukraine by two narrow necks of land, making it

more like an island with a couple of natural land bridges.

In the east Crimea is separated from Russia by the Kerch Strait, which connects the Black Sea with the Sea of Azov.

the Perekop Isthmus

the Kerch Strait

Слайд 6 General
The territory of Crimea
is 27,000 km2.

General The territory of Crimea is 27,000 km2. The population is

The population is over 2.284 million.
Russians constitute

67.2 percent of the population, Ukrainians — 26.5 percent and there are 300 000 Tatars.

Crimea republic flag

Crimea republic coat of arms

Слайд 7 What is the capital of Crimea?

What is the capital of Crimea?Bahchisaray Simferopol Sevastopol

Слайд 8 Simferopol  is the capital of Crimea . It is an important

Simferopol  is the capital of Crimea . It is an important political, economic,

political, economic, and transport center of the peninsula.

Simferopol city coat of arms

Simferopol city flag

Слайд 9 Sevastopol
(the Greek name - Hersonissos)

Sevastopol(the Greek name - Hersonissos) - a city located

- a city located in the south-west of the

Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea coast. Laid by the decree of Russian Empress Catherine II in 1783.


Sevastopol city flag

Sevastopol city flag

Слайд 10 Sevastopol is the naval base of the Black

Sevastopol is the naval base of the Black Sea fleet of

Sea fleet of Russia.
The territory, where the central part

of Sevastopol is located, is mountainous with a large number of deep well protected bays.


Слайд 11 Bakhchysarai
is a city in central Crimea, the

Bakhchysarai is a city in central Crimea, the former capital of

former capital of the Crimean Khanate. Its main landmark

is Hansaray, the only extant palace of the Crimean Khans, currently opened to tourists as a museum.

One of the oldest places to visit in Bakhchisaray is Mangup Kale (III century AD) – an historic fortress in the Crimea.
In medieval times it was known as Doros. Later it was given the Kipchak name Mangup.


Слайд 12 Geographical position and physical features
The surface

Geographical position and physical features The surface of Crimea varies

of Crimea varies greatly - treeless steppe of the

Crimean Lowland in the northern and central parts
(with its continental climate and steppe soils, occupies four-fifths of the territory. )

Слайд 13

And the Crimean Mountains in the south.

And the Crimean Mountains in the south.

Слайд 14 The Crimean Mountains consist of a narrow

The Crimean Mountains consist of a narrow range of foothills

range of foothills and a low mountain chain covered

with forests and high pastures.

Geographical position and physical features

Слайд 15 Below the mountains in the south there is

Below the mountains in the south there is a narrow coastal

a narrow coastal lowland — the Crimeansouthern shore —

with a Mediterranian climate and vegetation.

Geographical position and physical features

Слайд 16 The rivers are short and shallow .

The rivers are short and shallow . The most important

The most important of them are – the Alma,

the Belbek and the Black.

Geographical position and physical features

the Alma

the Belbek

the Black

the Salgir

Слайд 17 There are many beautiful lakes in the steppe

There are many beautiful lakes in the steppe and mountainous parts

and mountainous parts of the country.

о. Бирюзовое
о. Марсианское

Geographical position and physical features

Слайд 18 Most of Crimea has a temperate continental

Most of Crimea has a temperate continental climate and a

climate and a humid subtropical climate on the south


Summers can be hot and winters are cool.


Слайд 19
In the winter snow can cover the

In the winter snow can cover the mountains and make the roads almost impossable. Climate

mountains and make the roads almost impossable.


Слайд 20 However it almost never snows on the southern

However it almost never snows on the southern coast of Crimea. Climate

coast of Crimea.

Слайд 21 The main branches of the modern Crimean

The main branches of the modern Crimean economy are tourism and agriculture. Economy

economy are tourism and agriculture.

Слайд 22 The most important industries in Crimea include food

The most important industries in Crimea include food production, chemical fields,

production, chemical fields, mechanical engineering and metal working, and

fuel production industries.


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-crimea.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0