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Презентация на тему Ф.Достоевский в мировой культуре (на английском языке) 10-11 класс

Purposes and responsibilities: To study the influence of Dostoevsky’s oeuvre and personality on the different fields of the world culture.
Fyodor Dostoevsky The influence on the world cultureA Research Study by Purposes and responsibilities: To study the influence of Dostoevsky’s oeuvre and personality Fyodor Dostoevsky was a Russian writer of 19th-century and Many of great people in science and culture were inspired by Dostoevsky was published not only on the Motherland. Dozens of translators were Dostoevsky’s works were and are still very popular in the theater and Here are some famous actors in Dostoevsky’s characters’ roles: There are a lot of films about Dostoevsky in Russia that are Nowadays this outstanding Russian writer of the 19th-century Conclusion: Dostoevsky affected the world mentality, which made him the greatest world
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Purposes and responsibilities:
To study the influence of Dostoevsky’s

Purposes and responsibilities: To study the influence of Dostoevsky’s oeuvre and

oeuvre and personality on the different fields of the

world culture.

Слайд 3 Fyodor Dostoevsky was a Russian

Fyodor Dostoevsky was a Russian writer of 19th-century and

writer of 19th-century and one of the best novelists

of world significance. His masterpieces are take the prime place in the world’s literature treasury. A lot of them are included in 100 best novels of all time.
Nowadays Dostoevsky is still popular among Russian people and abroad. His works are considered to be world treasure in the West. For another thing, Dostoevsky strongly affected on the world’s culture in general and left behind him an enormous heritage.

Слайд 4 Many of great people in science and culture

Many of great people in science and culture were inspired

were inspired by Dostoevsky. No doubt, he was a

literature idol for them and, perhaps, became a support for their spiritual formation. Charles Snow , Thomas Mann, Henri Barbusse, Stefan Zweigand many other famous writers, scientists and philosophers of the 20th-century also reported about Dostoevsky works.

Einstein"Dostoevsky gives me more than any scientist, more than Gauss." -Albert

"...the only psychologist from whom I have anything to learn." –Nietzsche

"He who gets nearer the sun is leader, the aristocrat of aristocrats, or he who, like Dostoevsky, gets nearest the moon of our non-being."-  D. H. Lawrence


"…Tolstoy and Dostoevsky “created” our “soul”…"- Romeo Rolan

"…I inclined to Dostoevsky" – Lu Xun

“…Dostoevsky has never had such colossal importance in the West as it has recently the last time...”- Anatoly Lunacharsky

Слайд 5 Dostoevsky was published not only on the Motherland.

Dostoevsky was published not only on the Motherland. Dozens of translators

Dozens of translators were working at his writings, to

make his creation the whole people’s heritage.

Слайд 6 Dostoevsky’s works were and are still very popular

Dostoevsky’s works were and are still very popular in the theater

in the theater and cinema all over the world.

In Russia there are a lot of theatre performances and film versions of such his novels as “The Idiot”, “Uncle’s Dream”, “Humiliated and Insulted” “The Brothers Karamazov” , etc. We also can see more stage plays and screenings in the world theatre and cinema industry:

Film “The Brothers Karamazov” by Karl Frolich (Germany-1921)
Film “The Raskolnikovs” by Robert Wiene(Germany-1992)

Play “Crime and punishment” by Comedie Francaise (Paris -1963) and the same work in the Arts theater in London(1954)

Film “Crime and punishment” by Shinal (France-1935)

“The Idiot” by Georges Lampen(France-1946), by Kurosawa (Japan-1951)

Film “Player” by Claude Autant-Lara (France-1958)

“Crime and punishment” by Julian Dzharolda (UK, 2003)

The animated cartoon “Crime and punishment” by Peter Dumala(Poland, 2002)
Film “Players” by Sebastian Bineka (Germany, 2007)

Слайд 7 Here are some famous actors in Dostoevsky’s characters’

Here are some famous actors in Dostoevsky’s characters’ roles:


Слайд 8 There are a lot of films about Dostoevsky

There are a lot of films about Dostoevsky in Russia that

in Russia that are popular in many other countries,

for example: Moreover, image of Dostoevsky is in different art masterpieces:

” Dead house” by Vasily Fedorov (USSR, 1932). In the role of Dostoevsky-Nikolai Khmelev

Even abroad there are also some biographical films about this writer:
The writer and his city: Dostoyevsky and St. Petersburg by Heinrich Boell(Germany, 1969)

Demons of St. Petersburg - a feature film of Giuliano Montaldo (Italy, 2008)

Слайд 9 Nowadays this outstanding Russian

Nowadays this outstanding Russian writer of the 19th-century is

writer of the 19th-century is even more popular than

in his time. I know that young people now are interested in his works and personality both in Russia and abroad.
Annually, the international world readings «Dostoevsky and The world culture» that take place in St. Petersburg’s Museum of Dostoevsky on the date of his birth(10-13 of November). Many important guests from all over the world are invited there. This year there will be already the forties reading. Also, representatives of the USA, Vienna, Latvia, Belarus, Italy and, of course, people from all parts of Russia. This event is another proof of the enormous significant of Dostoevsky and his oeuvre in the world culture.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-fdostoevskiy-v-mirovoy-kulture-na-angliyskom-yazyke-10-11-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 224
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