Writer-is the person who engaged graffiti. A synonym «writer» is the word graffitier.Graffiti – it is inscriptions or pictures on walls of buildings, on fences and other vertical surfaces. Sometimes – the form of folk-lore. It
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Writer-is the person who engaged graffiti. A synonym
«writer» is the word graffitier.
Graffiti – it is inscriptions
or pictures on walls of buildings, on fences and other vertical surfaces. Sometimes – the form of folk-lore. It is considered one of kinds of self-expressions of youth.
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The first writer in history it is considered
Taki183. Basically he was engaged tagging. His tag could be
seen practically in any part of New York. Tagging- it is fast drawing of inscriptions on surfaces in public places. Tagging it also a label of a place («I here was»).
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Skilled writers can write tag for 2-3 seconds
(3-4 letters).
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Professional writers earn money painting various clubs, shops