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Презентация на тему English proverbs and sayings with a component “pets and other animals” and their Russian equivalents

The urgency of the researchThe choice of the theme for my research is explained: 1) by the reality of materials allowing the participants to realize what the topic of the research is; 2) by personal interests
English proverbs and sayings with a component “pets and other animals” and The urgency of the researchThe choice of the theme for my research The aim and the main tasks of the research The purpose of The object and the hypothesis of the researchThe object of my research According to the Explanatory dictionary of Russian by Dmitri Ushakov: A proverb The functions of proverbs and sayingsto warn people e.g. Curiosity killed the English proverbs and sayings which are translated equally into Russian, when the English proverbs and sayings which are partially translated into Russian, when the English proverbs and sayings which completely differ from the translation into The classification of English proverbs and sayings by the way of translating The comparative table The frequency of usage the images of pets and other animals in English proverbs and sayings The most popular Russian proverbs with the images of pets and other animals The conclusion As a result of this very work we could come Positive and negative characteristics n proverbs and sayings Thank you for your attention!!! The main sources of informationАникин В.П. – Русские пословицы и поговорки –
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The urgency of the research
The choice of the

The urgency of the researchThe choice of the theme for my

theme for my research is explained:
1) by the

reality of materials allowing the participants to realize what the topic of the research is;
2) by personal interests of the participants in the material of our research.
From the scientific point of view the relevance of this work consists in searching and the attempt of the analysis of common general language phenomena in the Russian and English languages.
From the social point of view the relevance of this work consists in studying of foreign-language culture by means of proverbs and sayings and drawing national cultures together on the basis of the revealed general traditions.
The personal importance of the work is directed on increasing the level of own language competence by means of language of proverbs and sayings. The correct usage of proverbs and sayings gives speeches a unique originality and special expressiveness

Слайд 3 The aim and the main tasks of the

The aim and the main tasks of the research The purpose

The purpose of the research:
To reveal

semantic correspondence between English and Russian proverbs and sayings.
The tasks of the research:
to compare the Russian and English proverbs, sayings;
to analyze the figurativeness connected with various animals in English proverbs and to compare it to images of animals in Russian;
to carry out the quantitative analysis of frequency of a mention of names of different animals in English proverbs and their Russian equivalent.

Слайд 4 The object and the hypothesis of the research

The object and the hypothesis of the researchThe object of my

object of my research is proverbs and sayings with

a component pets and other animals in the Russian and English languages, their similarities and distinctions.
The choice of English proverbs as an object of the research is caused by the fact that English is one of the richest languages in idioms, proverbs and sayings which are constantly used in literature, newspapers, movies, on TV and on the radio and in everyday communication.
The choice of Russian proverbs and sayings as an object of the research is caused by the fact that studying a foreign-language culture becomes possible only on the basis of the created cultural background of the native language.
The research hypothesis: if we study distinctive and common features of proverbs and sayings in the Russian and English languages, it will help us to understand better language realities, and the national character of native speakers.

Слайд 5 According to the Explanatory dictionary of Russian by

According to the Explanatory dictionary of Russian by Dmitri Ushakov: A

Dmitri Ushakov: A proverb is a short figurative finished

saying, usually rhythmic by form with instructive sense.

A saying is a trope in speech for emotional and expressional estimates.

Слайд 6 The functions of proverbs and sayings
to warn people

The functions of proverbs and sayingsto warn people e.g. Curiosity killed

e.g. Curiosity killed the cat.
to laugh or to

make comments on appearance and traits of character
e.g. The bird can be seen by its flight.
to give advice or to teach wisdom
e.g. Let the sleeping dog lie.
and so on.

Слайд 7 English proverbs and sayings which are translated equally

English proverbs and sayings which are translated equally into Russian, when

into Russian, when the English option completely corresponds to

the Russian one.

Love me, love my dog. - Любишь меня, люби и мою собаку.

A black hen lays a white egg. – От черной курочки, да белое яичко. От черной коровы, да белое молочко. Черна корова да бело молоко.

Слайд 8 English proverbs and sayings which are partially translated

English proverbs and sayings which are partially translated into Russian, when

into Russian, when the English option differs from the

Russian one a little

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.-Лучше птица в руках, чем две в кустах.- Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.

A bird may be known by its song.-Птица узнаётся по её песне. - Видна птица по полёту. Видно сокола по полету.

Слайд 9 English proverbs and sayings which completely differ

English proverbs and sayings which completely differ from the translation

from the translation into Russian, when the English option

doesn't correspond to the Russian one.

A cat may look at a king – Кошка может смотреть на короля.
Лаптем щи хлебать.

Слайд 10 The classification of English proverbs and sayings by

The classification of English proverbs and sayings by the way of

the way of translating into Russian
English proverbs and sayings

which are translated equally into Russian, when the English option completely corresponds to the Russian one.
English proverbs and sayings which are partially translated into Russian, when the English option differs from the Russian one a little.
English proverbs and sayings which completely differ from the translation into Russian, when the English option doesn't correspond to the Russian one.

Слайд 11 The comparative table

The comparative table

Слайд 12 The frequency of usage the images of pets

The frequency of usage the images of pets and other animals in English proverbs and sayings

and other animals in English proverbs and sayings

Слайд 13 The most popular Russian proverbs with the images

The most popular Russian proverbs with the images of pets and other animals

of pets and other animals

Слайд 14 The conclusion
As a result of this very

The conclusion As a result of this very work we could

work we could come to some conclusions:
The images of

pets and other animals in English and Russian bear different emotional meaning, positive and negative as well.
The basis of the most proverbs and sayings is directly connected with features of habits, appearance and behavior of the pets and animals, noticed by people and attributed to the person as they reflect different bright characteristics of this or that representative of fauna easily connected with these or those qualities of a person. In the majority of proverbs and sayings only the horse has a positive image in two considered languages and it is one of the uniting signs.
Images of a sheep, a goat, a donkey ( or an ass ), a rabbit and a wolf in most cases bare negative meaning as people represent in them such qualities as stupidity, humility, curiosity, complacency, obstinacy, cowardice or slyness.
As for the images of dogs and cats, for two considered languages, they can bare either positive or negative meanings.
According to the ways of translating proverbs and sayings from one language into another one they can be divided into three large groups:
English proverbs and sayings which are translated equally into Russian, when the English option completely corresponds to the Russian one.
English proverbs and sayings which are partially translated into Russian, when the English option differs from the Russian one a little.
English proverbs and sayings which completely differ from the translation into Russian, when the English option doesn't correspond to the Russian one.

Слайд 16 Positive and negative characteristics n proverbs and sayings

Positive and negative characteristics n proverbs and sayings

Слайд 17 Thank you for your attention!!!

Thank you for your attention!!!

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