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Презентация на тему Проектная работа Valentin Safronov: I am not great...

I’m Liliya Shakirova. I was born in Almenevo. My parents and grandparents were born and live here. I like my native place: its beautiful nature, hospitable people, its national customs
Almenevskaya comprehensive school  Almenevo, Kurgan region I’m Liliya Shakirova. I was born Valentin Grigoryevich Safronov was born on July In 1941 the Great Patriotic War began. Many Soviet people The Order of the Patriotic   War, 2 nd degreeMedal Valentin Grigoryevich returned to Moscow. He attended builder courses In the mid-50s V. Safronov married. In 1965 he and his wife To MoscowGoodbye, my dear Moscow, goodbye!I hope you will be a nice Valentin Grigoryevich wrote his first poems in the 60’s. Когда по дамбе вы в деревню едете,  Средь камыша, на левой стороне,  С одной стороны – неземная, С другой стороны – не небесная, Какая-то Я собой не велик. Я – ни злато, ни бронза. Я – A great part of his works is a reflection Articles about V. Safronov from “Tribuna” “Paramonovo Swans”,1990“Soul rebels and grieves”, 2005Collections of poems In the museum there are a lot of exhibits which Valentin Grigoryevich Safronov died in 2011 at the age of Internet: 1. http://kultura.kurganobl.ru/3622.html 2. http://cbs-kurgan.com/pisateli/41/ 3. http://smi.kurganobl.ru/tribuna.html Literature: 1. V.Safronov “Paramonovo
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I’m Liliya

I’m Liliya Shakirova. I was born in Almenevo.

Shakirova. I was born in Almenevo. My parents and

grandparents were born and live here. I like my native place: its beautiful nature, hospitable people, its national customs and traditions.

When I think about Almenevo I always remember poems of our local poet Valentin Safronov.
But what do we know about him?..

Слайд 3
Valentin Grigoryevich Safronov

Valentin Grigoryevich Safronov was born on July 25,

was born on July 25, 1927 in Moscow. He

was the third child in a family of five. His parents worked at a factory. The family was not rich and he had to work at the age of 13.


Слайд 4 In 1941 the Great Patriotic War

In 1941 the Great Patriotic War began. Many Soviet people

began. Many Soviet people including Valentin’s father went to

the front. In 1943 Valentin joined the army. He was only 16. He participated in the battles of the 3rd Ukrainian Front.

“With pain I remembered the time, With war and Moscow connected. My dad was old and ill, But with undulled soul… And I’m only thirteen – In my life – the darkest time…”

War time

Слайд 5 The Order of the Patriotic War,

The Order of the Patriotic  War, 2 nd degreeMedal

2 nd degree
Medal "For the capture of Vienna"
Medal “For

the liberation
of Belgrade”

Medal “For the capture of Budapest”

Medal “For the Victory over Germany”

His War Awards

Слайд 6 Valentin Grigoryevich returned to Moscow.

Valentin Grigoryevich returned to Moscow. He attended builder courses

He attended builder courses and took part in the

construction of the Moscow State University.

After war

Слайд 7 In the mid-50s V. Safronov married. In 1965

In the mid-50s V. Safronov married. In 1965 he and his

he and his wife left Moscow. They travelled a

lot, lived and worked in different places of our country, met interesting people. In 1971 the Safronovs came to Kurgan, in 1983 - to Almenevo and lived there to the end of their lives.

Слайд 8 To Moscow
Goodbye, my dear Moscow, goodbye!
I hope you

To MoscowGoodbye, my dear Moscow, goodbye!I hope you will be a

will be a nice chief,
Which will never die.
I have

to say “goodbye” because I want
To be closer to your heart and to your soul.
I want to see your trees and fields,
I want to visit villages and know people skills,
I need to make my soul stronger,
And I can’t wait even a minute longer!

Слайд 9 Valentin Grigoryevich wrote his first

Valentin Grigoryevich wrote his first poems in the 60’s.

poems in the 60’s. But his real creative work

began after his retirement. The most popular poems:
«Swans» (1976) «Under a veil» (1987) «I am not great…» (1992)

Literary activity

Слайд 10 Когда по дамбе вы в деревню едете,  Средь камыша,

Когда по дамбе вы в деревню едете,  Средь камыша, на левой

на левой стороне,  Снежком белеет что-то - это лебеди,  Объявленные редкостью

в стране. Картина эта здесь для всех привычная.  Из года в год летит сюда семья,  Доверие питая безграничное  К радетелям своим, своим друзьям. Завещаны, я слышал, птицы предками  Всем жителям колхозного сельца...  Спасибо им, что живы птицы редкие!  Спасибо им за редкие сердца!

Слайд 11 С одной стороны – неземная, С другой стороны –

С одной стороны – неземная, С другой стороны – не небесная,

не небесная, Какая-то ты не такая, Какая-то мне неизвестная.

То за день

не вымолвишь слова, То мелешь, от слов задыхаешься, То сразу в объятья готова, То даже руки не касаешься. То зорькою светишься алой, То мрачною хмуришься тучею. То девочкой кажешься малой, То древней старухой скрипучею. Наверно, увидеть невмочь я Тебя за туманной завесою, С одной стороны, вроде, Божья, С другой стороны, вроде, бесова.

Слайд 12 Я собой не велик. Я – ни злато, ни

Я собой не велик. Я – ни злато, ни бронза. Я

бронза. Я – малюсенький блик, Дальний родственник солнца. Я, стихами горя, Мир согреть

не сумею. Но тебя и себя В день невзгоды согрею

Слайд 13 A great part of his

A great part of his works is a reflection

works is a reflection of his own life. He

wrote about ordinary people, their lives, about nature. A lot of poems are dedicated to his daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter. He spoke about love, friendship and honesty, hated egoism, cruelty and falsehood. His feelings, ideals and thoughts are understood and shared by people.

Feelings and thoughts…

Слайд 14

Valentin Safronov was a

Valentin Safronov was a

member of the Union of Russian Writers. His poems were published in different newspapers and magazines: “Tobol”, “Siberian Krai”, “New world”, “Urals”. Very often you can find his poems in our local newspaper “Tribuna”. They are loved by readers for honesty and kindness.


Слайд 15 Articles about V. Safronov from “Tribuna”

Articles about V. Safronov from “Tribuna”

Слайд 16 “Paramonovo Swans”,
“Soul rebels and grieves”,
Collections of poems

“Paramonovo Swans”,1990“Soul rebels and grieves”, 2005Collections of poems

Слайд 17 In the museum there are a

In the museum there are a lot of exhibits which

lot of exhibits which are connected with Safronov’s life:

articles, photos, books, personal things. He was honored by his contemporaries for realism and love to ordinary people.

In the district museum

Слайд 18 Valentin Grigoryevich Safronov died in 2011

Valentin Grigoryevich Safronov died in 2011 at the age of

at the age of 83. He wrote about things

which are dear to all people. He is not great, but he is a real citizen of his country. Have you read his poems? Not yet? I recommend you to do it.


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