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Презентация на тему Features of education in Italy

Education is compulsory in Italy from 6 to 16 years. The learning process is divided into several stages. 1.Сreche (for children from 3 months to 3 years) 2.Kindergarten (from 3 to 5 years) 3.Primary School
FEATURES OF EDUCATION IN ITALY. Education is compulsory in Italy from 6 to 16 years. The Schools usually begin in the second week of September and ends Most of the schools in Italy learn in the morning, classes start School uniform: Boys usually wear blue or plaid is black and white Частная школа St. Stephen's School: Location: Italy, Rome Age: 14 - 19 Private School The Renaissance School: Location: Italy, Lanciano Age: 14 - 18
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Education is compulsory in Italy from 6 to

Education is compulsory in Italy from 6 to 16 years.

16 years. The learning process is divided into several

stages. 1.Сreche (for children from 3 months to 3 years) 2.Kindergarten (from 3 to 5 years) 3.Primary School (Duration of primary school 5 years) 4.Upper secondary education: 1)lyceums 2)Professional education - training. At the end of each stage being tested.

Слайд 3 Schools usually begin in the second week

Schools usually begin in the second week of September and

of September and ends in the second week of

June. Almost all schools are closed for Easter, Christmas and on national holidays.

Слайд 4 Most of the schools in Italy learn in

Most of the schools in Italy learn in the morning, classes

the morning, classes start with 8.00 / 8.30. Daily

sessions lasting 5 hours from Monday to Saturday. This means that children come home for dinner, so the majority of the Italian schools do not have cafeterias.

Слайд 5 School uniform: Boys usually wear blue or plaid is

School uniform: Boys usually wear blue or plaid is black and

black and white clothes, while girls - pink or

white and pink cell. In primary schools, form deep blue color. High school students can wear whatever they want, even jeans and a T-shirt will do.

Слайд 6 Частная школа St. Stephen's School: Location: Italy, Rome Age: 14

Частная школа St. Stephen's School: Location: Italy, Rome Age: 14 -

- 19 years Founded: 1964 Type of training: joint Accommodation: Residence Price: from

€ 11,000 in the year with accommodation

  • Имя файла: features-of-education-in-italy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
  • Количество скачиваний: 0