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Презентация на тему Great British People

Princess Diana(1961-1997)
Great British People Princess Diana(1961-1997) Wedding. July,29,1981. “Happy” family life Charity workMother Teresa and DianaChildren loved Lady Di Car crash in Paris in 1997 Memorial “Innocent victims” -Lady Diana was named several times the most famous woman of the Wedding. July,29,1981. “Happy” family life   «Счастливая» семейная жизнь Charity workMother Teresa and DianaChildren loved Lady Di Car crash in Paris in 1997 Her boys have grown up  Её мальчики такие взрослыеWilliam is so Flowers for Diana    Цветы для Дианы The Princess of people’s hearts  Принцесса людских сердецLady DiThe English Rose A candle on the wind    Свеча на ветру “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never in nothing,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Princess Diana(1961-1997)

Princess Diana(1961-1997)

Слайд 3 Wedding. July,29,1981.

Wedding. July,29,1981.

Слайд 4 “Happy” family life

“Happy” family life

Слайд 5 Charity work
Mother Teresa and

Charity workMother Teresa and DianaChildren loved Lady Di

Children loved Lady Di

Слайд 6 Car crash in Paris in 1997

Car crash in Paris in 1997

Слайд 7 Memorial “Innocent victims”

Memorial “Innocent victims”

Слайд 8 -Lady Diana was named several times the most

-Lady Diana was named several times the most famous woman of

famous woman of the 20th century.
Her compassion, sincere kindness

attract people all over the world.
-She helped hungry children in Africa. She was against landmines.
-She was the first famous person to touch the ill with AIDS in public.
-In summer, 2007 it was the 10th anniversary of Diana’s death.
Her sons organized a concert .
60 000 people were at the concert commemorating the Princess.
Millions of people watched it on TV.
-The Pope of Rome, Mother Teresa, the US President- Bill Clinton, the French President,
Luciano Pavarotti, Sir Elton John were present at Diana’s funeral.
2.5 billion people watch it on TV.
-They created the perfume “The Royal Water” in memory of Diana.
-Elton John ,Diana’s friend, composed a famous song “Candle on the Wind” dedicated to Diana.
-Diana’s hairstyle is one of the most popular hairstyles in the world.
-Princess is dead, but she is alive in our hearts.

Слайд 9 Wedding. July,29,1981.

Wedding. July,29,1981.

Слайд 10 “Happy” family life

“Happy” family life  «Счастливая» семейная жизнь

«Счастливая» семейная жизнь

Слайд 11 Charity work
Mother Teresa and

Charity workMother Teresa and DianaChildren loved Lady Di

Children loved Lady Di

Слайд 12 Car crash in Paris in 1997

Car crash in Paris in 1997

Слайд 13 Her boys have grown up Её мальчики такие

Her boys have grown up Её мальчики такие взрослыеWilliam is so

William is so much like his mother
Вильям так

похож на маму

Слайд 14 Flowers for Diana

Flowers for Diana  Цветы для Дианы

Цветы для Дианы

Слайд 15 The Princess of people’s hearts Принцесса людских сердец

The Princess of people’s hearts Принцесса людских сердецLady DiThe English Rose

The English Rose

Слайд 16 A candle on the wind

A candle on the wind  Свеча на ветру

Свеча на ветру
Leave me alone…

меня в покое…

  • Имя файла: great-british-people.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 135
  • Количество скачиваний: 0