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Презентация на тему Homelessness

Homelessness the condition of people without a regular, safe, secure and adequate dwelling
Homelessness Homelessness  the condition of people without a regular, safe, secure and adequate dwelling Who are homeless today?35% - families with children21% - have domestic violence19% Who are homeless today?15% - US military veterans10% - suffer from mental illnesses Reasons of the problemThere is a lack of affordable housing. Reasons of the problemMinimum incomes is too low. Reasons of the problem The cost of health care has risen dramatically. SolutionsReconstruct the economy.Provide new places for work.Increase pensions for veterans.Free health care.Provide It’s impossible to solve the problem of homelessness quickly, but let’s turn into THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Homelessness
the condition of people without a

Homelessness the condition of people without a regular, safe, secure and adequate dwelling

regular, safe, secure and adequate dwelling

Слайд 3 Who are homeless today?
35% - families with children

Who are homeless today?35% - families with children21% - have domestic

- have domestic violence
19% - children under the age

of 18

Слайд 4 Who are homeless today?
15% - US military veterans

Who are homeless today?15% - US military veterans10% - suffer from mental illnesses

- suffer from mental illnesses

Слайд 5 Reasons of the problem
There is a lack of

Reasons of the problemThere is a lack of affordable housing.

affordable housing.

Слайд 6 Reasons of the problem
Minimum incomes is too low.

Reasons of the problemMinimum incomes is too low.

Слайд 7 Reasons of the problem
The cost of health

Reasons of the problem The cost of health care has risen dramatically.

care has risen dramatically.

Слайд 8 Solutions
Reconstruct the economy.
Provide new places for work.
Increase pensions

SolutionsReconstruct the economy.Provide new places for work.Increase pensions for veterans.Free health

for veterans.
Free health care.
Provide better conditions in shelters.
Pay more

attention to housing and social programs.

Слайд 9 It’s impossible to solve the problem of homelessness

It’s impossible to solve the problem of homelessness quickly, but let’s turn into

quickly, but let’s turn

  • Имя файла: homelessness.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 134
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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