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Презентация на тему How to write an opinion essay

What is an essay? Эссе (франц. essai — попытка, проба, очерк, от лат. exagium — взвешивание), прозаическое сочинение небольшого объема и свободной композиции, выражающее индивидуальные впечатления и соображения по конкретному поводу
How to write  an opinion essay What is an essay?   Эссе (франц. essai The parts of the essay Introduction (general statement of the problem) 3 Useful language  an opinion essay IntroductionAs a general rule…It is often Useful language  an opinion essayConclusion To conclude…To sum up…All in all…All Check yourselfYou can get 0-14 points Content (1-3 points)Organization of your essay Key things to remember:You have only 40 minutesYou should write 200-250 words Practicing Ex 1 Ex 2 Использованные ресурсыReading and Writing by Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-KnowlesLaser Pre-FCE by
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What is an essay?
Эссе (франц. essai

What is an essay?  Эссе (франц. essai —

— попытка, проба, очерк, от лат. exagium — взвешивание),

прозаическое сочинение небольшого объема и свободной композиции, выражающее индивидуальные впечатления и соображения по конкретному поводу или вопросу и заведомо не претендующее на определяющую или исчерпывающую трактовку предмета.

Слайд 3 The parts of the essay
Introduction (general statement

The parts of the essay Introduction (general statement of the problem)

of the problem) 3 sentences
You personal opinion (2 -3

reasons for your opinion) 6-7 sentences
An opposing opinion (1-3 reasons for this opposing opinion) 6-7 sentences
Conclusion (restating your position) 2-3 sentences

Слайд 4 Useful language an opinion essay
As a general rule…

Useful language an opinion essay IntroductionAs a general rule…It is often

is often suggested...
People often claim that...
A lot of

people think that....
We all know that...
Many people are in favour of...
Everything has two sides: positive and negative...
Many people are in favour of…
Can you imagine …….? Isn’t it amazing……..?
Is too much emphasis placed on……?
There is no doubt that……..

Main body (your opinion)
First of all…
To start with…
Last but not least…
In addition to this…
What is more…
As I see it…
To my mind…
In my view…

Слайд 5 Useful language an opinion essay
To conclude…
To sum

Useful language an opinion essayConclusion To conclude…To sum up…All in all…All

All in all…
All things considered…
On the whole…
As was previously

Taking everything into account…

Main body
(opposing opinion)
Opponents of this view say…
People argue that…
On the other hand…
It is argued that…
There are people who oppose…
Contrary to what most believe…
In spite of…

Слайд 6 Check yourself
You can get 0-14 points
Content (1-3

Check yourselfYou can get 0-14 points Content (1-3 points)Organization of your

Organization of your essay (1-3 points)
Vocabulary (1-3 points)
Grammar (1-3

Spelling and punctuation (1-2 points)

Your total result
_________ points

Слайд 7 Key things to remember:
You have only 40 minutes

Key things to remember:You have only 40 minutesYou should write 200-250

should write 200-250 words (+- 10%)
Think about the plan

formal style
Do not use short forms
Use linking words
Use sequencing
Write 4 parts
Check yourself

Слайд 8 Practicing
Ex 1

Practicing Ex 1

  • Имя файла: how-to-write-an-opinion-essay.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 188
  • Количество скачиваний: 1