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Презентация на тему I very like a computer. And I want to open computer business

many people buy computersthis is a very popular technique
I very like a computer. and I want to open computer business many people buy computersthis is a very popular technique on the earned money I help the children's kindergartens. the rest of the money I have invested in the family and and I will be happy to open such a beneficial. Computer equipment enjoys good success. in this business a lot of competitors who are trying to thee
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 many people buy computers
this is a very popular technique

many people buy computersthis is a very popular technique

Слайд 3 on the earned money I help the children's

on the earned money I help the children's kindergartens.


Слайд 4 the rest of the money I have invested

the rest of the money I have invested in the family

in the family and extended its business and would

be sold not only computers but also all of which relate to them.

Слайд 5 and I will be happy to open such

and I will be happy to open such a beneficial. Computer equipment enjoys good success.

a beneficial. Computer equipment enjoys good success.

  • Имя файла: i very like a computer-and i want to open computer business.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 125
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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