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Презентация на тему урока на английском языке на тему What colour is your cat?

Aims:To teach pupils to work creatively and introduce new words, Expressions according to the theme, To develop their thinking abilities and speaking in English to be able to talk about colours.
The theme of the lesson :What colour is your cat? Aims:To teach pupils to work creatively and introduce new words, Expressions according Phonetic drill:I see green, I see yellowI see that funny fellowI see Presentation. Work with vocabulary. brown [ braʊn ] коричневыйOrange [ ˈɒrɪndʒ ] оранжевыйBlack  [ blæk ]  черныйViolet [ ˈvaɪə.lət ]  фиолетовыйGreen The cat is black. The dog is white.The fox is orange.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Aims:
To teach pupils to work creatively and introduce

Aims:To teach pupils to work creatively and introduce new words, Expressions

new words,
Expressions according to the theme,
To develop

their thinking abilities and speaking in English to be able to talk about colours.

Слайд 3
Phonetic drill:
I see green, I see yellow
I see

Phonetic drill:I see green, I see yellowI see that funny fellowI

that funny fellow
I see white, I see black
I see

this and that, and that
I see pink, I see brown,
I stand up and I sit down,
I see red, I see blue,
I see you and you, and you!

Слайд 8 Presentation. Work with vocabulary.

Presentation. Work with vocabulary.

Слайд 9 brown [ braʊn ] коричневый
Orange [ ˈɒrɪndʒ ] оранжевый
Black [ blæk ]

brown [ braʊn ] коричневыйOrange [ ˈɒrɪndʒ ] оранжевыйBlack [ blæk ] черныйViolet [ ˈvaɪə.lət ] фиолетовыйGreen [ ɡriːn ] зеленыйBlue

Violet [ ˈvaɪə.lət ] фиолетовый
Green [ ɡriːn ] зеленый
Blue [ bluː ]

Beige [ beɪdʒ ] бежевый
Yellow [ ˈjeləʊ ] желтый
Grey [ ɡreɪ ] серый
Pink [ pɪŋk ] розовый
White [ waɪt ] белый
Red [ red ] красный

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-uroka-na-angliyskom-yazyke-na-temu-what-colour-is-your-cat.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 70
  • Количество скачиваний: 0