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Презентация на тему Тема презентации: Who are you? Кто ты? (Spotlight 6 Module 1b)

a credit cardan identity carda membership card a driving licence - кредитная карта- удостоверение личности- членский билет (карта)- водительское удостоверение
Forms of Identification a credit cardan identity carda membership card a driving licence - кредитная full namehome addressnationality [‚næʃə’nælətɪ] identification number [aɪ‚dentəfə’keɪʃən] expiry date [ɪks’paɪərɪ ]telephone numberdate of birth Ex.1 a) Look at the cards. Which is a credit card? An HarrisLondonSW1 4TA020 7125 9990Ex.2 b) Read the dialogue and complete the membership card. Possessive Pronouns (притяжательные местоимения)my      mine his Ex.5 a) Use the prompts to form questions and answers as in the example. Complete the sentences. Use Possessive Pronouns. 0. Don’t eat those sweets. They’re Circle the correct answer. A: I like their/theirs songs.B: Yes, but I Where are you from?What’s your home address?What’s your telephone number?Ex.6 Listen and Ex.7 Look at these students’ identification cards and present them to the class. Ex.9 Make a student library card for your partner.  Use the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 a credit card
an identity card

a membership card

a credit cardan identity carda membership card a driving licence -

driving licence

- кредитная карта
- удостоверение личности
- членский билет

- водительское удостоверение

Слайд 3 full name
home address
nationality [‚næʃə’nælətɪ] 
identification number
expiry date [ɪks’paɪərɪ

full namehome addressnationality [‚næʃə’nælətɪ] identification number [aɪ‚dentəfə’keɪʃən] expiry date [ɪks’paɪərɪ ]telephone numberdate of


telephone number
date of birth (DOB)
valid thru
- полное имя
- домашний

- национальность
- идентификационный номер
- дата истечения срока действия
- телефонный номер
- дата рождения
- годный до

Слайд 4 Ex.1 a) Look at the cards. Which is

Ex.1 a) Look at the cards. Which is a credit card?

a credit card?
An identity card? A membership card?

A driving license?

b) What information is on each card?
c) Where/when do you need a membership card?

Слайд 5 Harris
020 7125 9990
Ex.2 b) Read the dialogue

HarrisLondonSW1 4TA020 7125 9990Ex.2 b) Read the dialogue and complete the membership card.

and complete the membership card.

Слайд 6 Possessive Pronouns (притяжательные местоимения)

Possessive Pronouns (притяжательные местоимения)my   mine his   hisher

his his

its its

e.g. This is my book.

our ours
your yours
their theirs

It’s mine.

Слайд 8 Ex.5 a) Use the prompts to form questions

Ex.5 a) Use the prompts to form questions and answers as in the example.

answers as in the example.

Слайд 9 Complete the sentences. Use Possessive Pronouns.
0. Don’t eat

Complete the sentences. Use Possessive Pronouns. 0. Don’t eat those sweets.

those sweets. They’re …..……!(my sweets)
Those aren’t his glasses. They

are ……..(her glasses)
Which room is ………………? (our room)
My bag is here and ……………(his bag) is over there.
This is my dictionary. Where is ……….? (your dictionary)
My suitcase is black and …………….. (her suitcase) is blue.







Слайд 10 Circle the correct answer.
A: I like their/theirs songs.

Circle the correct answer. A: I like their/theirs songs.B: Yes, but

Yes, but I prefer our/ours.

A: Her/hers car is brilliant!

B: Your/Yours is nice, too!

A: Who is your/yours teacher?
B: Mr Harrison. Who is your/yours?

A: Kate lives in New Street.
B: Really? Tom and Ann live there, too. What number’s her/hers house?
A: Two. What number’s their/theirs?
B: Five.









Слайд 11 Where are you from?
What’s your home address?
What’s your

Where are you from?What’s your home address?What’s your telephone number?Ex.6 Listen

telephone number?
Ex.6 Listen and repeat.
Then ask and answer

the questions below.

What’s your name?
How do you spell it?
How old are you?
What nationality are you?

Слайд 12 Ex.7 Look at these students’ identification cards

Ex.7 Look at these students’ identification cards and present them to the class.

present them to the class.

  • Имя файла: tema-prezentatsii-who-are-you-kto-ty-spotlight-6-module-1b.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 702
  • Количество скачиваний: 174