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Презентация на тему The most unusual school

Content:School of disobedienceAdventure schoolSchool of harmony
The most unusual school.Work completed:Belokopytova Olga Content:School of disobedienceAdventure schoolSchool of harmony School of disobedienceWhy founded the School of Disobedience. Disobedience must be Adventure schoolAdventure School is a primary school. We are located in School of harmony In 2005 our organization began as the Thank you for attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Content:
School of disobedience
Adventure school
School of harmony

Content:School of disobedienceAdventure schoolSchool of harmony

Слайд 3 School of disobedience
Why founded the School of Disobedience.

School of disobedienceWhy founded the School of Disobedience. Disobedience must

Disobedience must be one of the central skills taught

в тоже время с math and reading.
The School of Disobedience offers* its students ideas and tools for making the world better. The School of Disobedience teaches how to fight for the important causes. There are teachers encourage* the students not to take their place in society and become successful cogs* in the wheel – not to let the wheel spin them around as it wants without taking a look at what they’re doing. Lets fight back!

offers*- предлагать

Слайд 4 Adventure school
Adventure School is a primary school. We

Adventure schoolAdventure School is a primary school. We are located

are located in Whitby
Opened in 1989, Adventure was named

after one of the ships that Captain Cook used in his voyages of discovery. We see learning as an adventure, so what better name could there be for a great school like ours.
This school has work to provide the best possible learning environment. We value all children as individuals and cater for their particular learning styles.
We are proud of the Adventure learning community and hope you will join us as you child embarks on his or her own voyage of discovery.

Слайд 5 School of harmony
In 2005 our organization began

School of harmony In 2005 our organization began as the

as the "House of Harmony" in a little red

house on Beaver Drive. We started out with two music teachers giving lessons one night a week.
By 2008 we had grown to over 100 students and decided to move to the former Shady Spring High School building. In 2009 we became a non-profit organization and changed our name to School of Harmony. 
In this our 12thyear we are so excited for what the future holds. We are revamping all of our programs, offering a greater variety of classes than ever before, and can't wait to see where the next 12 years take us!
To foster excellence in fine arts, to challenge students of every age and background; to develop their talents, and abilities; to encourage them to find and enjoy their unique gifts and to be responsive and a blessing to the greater community.

  • Имя файла: the-most-unusual-school.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 171
  • Количество скачиваний: 1