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Презентация на тему Why whales mass die?

For a long time , mankind lives in conditions of ecological crisis, which led to the emergence of mainly the progress of society of total consumption. The brutal killing of animals, deforestation, huge emissions of pollutants in
 Why whales mass die? For a long time , mankind lives in conditions of ecological crisis, Scientists are trying to understand why whales thrown ashore. An impressive sight - In 2002, on the shore of Cape Cod Bay jumped ashore 55 In 2004, near the shores of the Canary archipelago of two islands Why whales thrown ashore? Reasons: Climate change . According to this version , the  Diseases . Whales also sometimes get sick. Scientists suggest that the reason for Damage compass. Whales perfectly oriented in the ocean , as biologists say This is confirmed. Specifically , 12 May 1996 western coast of the Greek Australian researchers analyzed the cases of mass ejection whales on land for All these versions put forward by scientists more or less plausible. Environmentalists argue Saving the whales Brutal tradition inhabitants of DenmarkResidents of the Faroe Islands (located in the Here's how it looks this terrible massacre
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 For a long time , mankind lives in

For a long time , mankind lives in conditions of ecological

conditions of ecological crisis, which led to the emergence

of mainly the progress of society of total consumption. The brutal killing of animals, deforestation, huge emissions of pollutants in water , air, land , destruction of the global ecosystem in the world - the most striking manifestations of this " progress."

Слайд 3 Scientists are trying to understand why whales thrown

Scientists are trying to understand why whales thrown ashore. An impressive sight

ashore. An impressive sight - the ocean is nearly a

hundred whales and die from overheating. This is a picture could be seen in 1999 on the southeastern shore of Mexico. People rushed to save the whales, but the animals survived eighty one. But this is not the only case ...

Слайд 4 In 2002, on the shore of Cape Cod

In 2002, on the shore of Cape Cod Bay jumped ashore

Bay jumped ashore 55 whales. Thanks to the efforts of

American rescuers managed to save 46 animals. People poured water whales and covered with wet towels, not allowing them to overheat. When did tide, the whale dragged into the water. Unfortunately , some of these marine animals tide never came.

Слайд 5 In 2004, near the shores of the Canary

In 2004, near the shores of the Canary archipelago of two

archipelago of two islands jumped ashore 15 whales. Only 3

of them were rescued .

Слайд 6 Why whales thrown ashore? Reasons:
 Climate change . According to this

Why whales thrown ashore? Reasons: Climate change . According to this version ,

version , the death of whales due to a

change in ocean currents that bring colder waters of the Antarctic. Whales swim in shallow water to keep warm.
 Pollution of the oceans. Proponents of this version of the claim that the respiratory organs of many whales that jumped ashore, were discovered oil and even polyethylene. Opponents of this theory argue that a lot of whales suicide had pure respiratory system , and water at their "suicide" does not contain mineral oil. Radiation emission whales in the area also were noted.Thus, the version that is the cause of death of whales pollution, are ambiguous.

Слайд 7  Diseases . Whales also sometimes get sick. Scientists suggest that

 Diseases . Whales also sometimes get sick. Scientists suggest that the reason

the reason for the release of the whales may

be parasites who settled in the bodies of animals and damage important organs . Perhaps the reason lies in the mental disease of the leader - the leader " went crazy " and all the flock ran after him.
Reciprocity. Whales have always come to the rescue of a relative from his pack. If one of the whales mistakenly wandered into shallow water, it immediately begins to give signals to relatives , and they rush to the rescue. Unfortunately , whales , rather than to save a friend, get yourself in trouble .
In close quarters , and in the image . Japanese scientists have proposed a version when whales herd becomes too numerous , whales samoznyschuyetsya . With this self-regulation , the number of whales is always under given by nature. However, many environmentalists are totally against this version , assuming that the popularization of this hypothesis may lead to recovery solution whale fishery .

Слайд 8 Damage compass. Whales perfectly oriented in the ocean ,

Damage compass. Whales perfectly oriented in the ocean , as biologists

as biologists say that they have a brain magnetic

compass , so these marine dwellers are guided by the magnetic field of the Earth. If before watching geomagnetic obstacle arises , their inner compass goes down and they start to swim the wrong way . It is known that saved the whales are often thrown back to shore. Maybe it just explains the breakdown of the compass - the whales back into the water, but can not navigate .
Noise. This theory is now the most popular. Scientists say that whales and dolphins loses deafening drone submarines. Losing hearing whales no longer navigate and thrown ashore. Research bodies jumped animals gave reason to believe that suicide is a cause of caisson disease ( decompression sickness) . There is a sickness when there is a sharp decrease in the external pressure. Decompression sickness disease is called divers, pilots and workers who work in Quezon ( working underwater camera). Loud noise scares whales under water , and they are starting to rise up too quickly - there is a sharp decrease in the external pressure. This provokes the emergence of whales decompression sickness. Scare whales can sounders , radar, sonar, missiles, submarines . This version is supported by the facts - there are a few examples of what the release of the whales happened in the time of the exercises using sonar .

Слайд 9 This is confirmed. Specifically , 12 May 1996 western

This is confirmed. Specifically , 12 May 1996 western coast of the

coast of the Greek Peloponnese jumped 12 whales. At this

time, NATO proved there is a low sonar to search for submarines. It is a sound of 230 decibels. Animals can not stand it , lose focus and thrown seeking salvation. In 1998 the U.S. Navy tested off the coast of Hawaii low-frequency sonar while American researchers studied the propagation of sound waves under water , sending low sounds to many thousands of miles across the Pacific. As a result , a large number of whales jumped ashore. Seismic exploration, particularly in search of mineral deposits, also leads to the ejection of whales. It leads to the penetration of sound waves in the waters and gives hearing sensitivity of marine life that use acoustics to navigate , find food and reproduce.Researchers , in particular , believe that throwing whales ashore in Mexico's Sea of Cortez in 2002 were associated with underwater acoustic effects of seismic exploration.

Слайд 10 Australian researchers analyzed the cases of mass ejection

Australian researchers analyzed the cases of mass ejection whales on land

whales on land for 80 years and came to

the conclusion that in 10-12 years time ashore thrown disproportionately large number of whales. These events caused by climate events - zonal westerly winds . About once every 10 years, these winds cause severe storms and the rise of large quantities of cold Antarctic waters. Many species of whales flock to these waters because they are richer in nutrients.As a result, along with the cold water they are closer to the coast , resulting in a fall in the land.

Слайд 11 All these versions put forward by scientists more

All these versions put forward by scientists more or less plausible. Environmentalists

or less plausible. Environmentalists argue loudly that the whales are

dying due to poor environmental and noise and urge the UN to strengthen the fight to save the marine animals. Environmentalists , apparently oblivious to the fact that in ancient Greek writings you'll find information about the mass " suicide " of whales.

Слайд 12 Saving the whales

Saving the whales

Слайд 13 Brutal tradition inhabitants of Denmark

Residents of the Faroe

Brutal tradition inhabitants of DenmarkResidents of the Faroe Islands (located in

Islands (located in the Atlantic Ocean since 1948, the

autonomy of Denmark ) and a group of people going out to sea to slaughter whales. This traditional classes Grindadrap occurs near the capital Torshavn , reports Reuters. People on the boat chase whales in the bay and using special iron hooks kill them there. Slaughterhouse whales held not for commercial purposes. Meat from animals ever sold - it is used by residents as a food . This class is a lot of negative feedback , especially from representatives of animal welfare, but the Faroe Islands are not subject to the quota system and implement EU fishing regardless of the restrictions within the EU. Only the spring of 2010 , residents of the Faroe Islands of Denmark scored this way about 1150 rare animals. Faroe Islands - descendants of the Vikings and whale meat was part of their daily diet of about 1000 years. This is their traditional occupation dates back to 1584. For fishing , according to legend , one can observe pregnant women and priests. During these hunts often produce one of the whales to freedom of thinking that will lead to these places new herd

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