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Презентация на тему The History of the Piracy

The purpose of work: To investigate a theme of a piracy Hypothesis: the Piracy - an old problem which remains actual today. When people talk about the pirates today, they consider them as the
Проект по английскому языку на тему:   «The History of the The purpose of work: To investigate a theme of a piracy 	Hypothesis: Part 1 The Start of PiracyPiracy was a problem thousands of years Names of PiracyPirate: A pirate is really a robber who steals from Names of PiracySea robbers: These pirates roamed the open seas and were Early Pirates. Mediterranean Pirates These pirates sailed from many different countries that Early Pirates. VikingsWhen the Roman Empire was destroyed, the people from Scandinavia Part 2. Modern Piracy Part 2. Modern Piracy   Piracy has not gone away.  There Reports of acts of piracy Piracy off the Somali Piracy off the Somali coast has been a The Piracy - an old problem which remains actual today
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The purpose of work: To investigate a theme

The purpose of work: To investigate a theme of a piracy

of a piracy

Hypothesis: the Piracy - an old

problem which remains actual today.
When people talk about the pirates today, they consider them as the legends from the dark past. But the pirates still exists in a great number. We are faced with problems of this kind very often these days in many different parts of the world. Modern pirates have changed a bit, but their activities and behavior are almost the same even nowadays.

The analysis of periodicals Fiction, magazines
The analysis of TV programs
The analysis of the information from Internet

Слайд 3 Part 1 The Start of Piracy
Piracy was a problem

Part 1 The Start of PiracyPiracy was a problem thousands of

thousands of years before the Spanish began to bring

gold, silver, and other treasures from the New World back to Spain.

Men sailed the seas as pirates when countries began to cross the Oceans and Seas to trade goods with each other. There were powerful pirates that sailed the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

These pirates set up a large pirate nation in Cilicia. Cilicia is now part of the country of Turkey. Barbary corsairs controlled the western part of the Mediterranean. Vikings were brave and strong pirates. They sailed all over the Atlantic Ocean, but especially terorized the European coastlines.

Piracy was also active in the waters surrounding Asia. As ships were built bigger and better and men became braver, piracy began to spread into the New World.

Слайд 4 Names of Piracy
Pirate: A pirate is really a

Names of PiracyPirate: A pirate is really a robber who steals

robber who steals from other ships out at sea.

Privateer: A privateer was a captain of a ship that attacked and captured other ships and stole valuable items from them. A privateer was not considered to be a true pirate because they were given special licenses called a Letter of Marque from a nations government. Of course they were hunted down and punished as pirates by the countries who they stole from. Many of these captains who were sent out to capture pirates soon became pirates themselves. They saw how much money a pirate made and could not resist the chance of getting rich.

Corsair: A corsair is a French seaman or privateer who sailed mostly in the South Mediterranean Sea.

Слайд 5 Names of Piracy
Sea robbers: These pirates roamed the

Names of PiracySea robbers: These pirates roamed the open seas and

open seas and were not loyal to any particular

government, but only wanted to capture riches for themselves.

Ruthless robbers: Most pirates who earned this nickname were very cruel and did not care if they killed their victims. They just wanted to be rich and tried to get rich by stealing as much as they could and left no witnesses

Buccaneers: These pirates were made up of a group of men from Holland, England, France, and another group of pirates called the Barbary corsairs who were chased out of the Barbary Coast when merchant captains from France and England got tired of being captured and robbed by the French Corsairs.

Слайд 6 Early Pirates. Mediterranean Pirates
These pirates sailed from

Early Pirates. Mediterranean Pirates These pirates sailed from many different countries

many different countries that bordered the Mediterranean Sea. Some

pirates were not loyal to any country and lived on the Barbary Coast which was along the North African coast.

England and France offered to forgive the pirates of their bad deeds if they would stop piracy. Some pirates did accept this forgiveness, but most just laughed and kept on stealing and capturing ships. Finally these pirates were chased out of the Mediteranean Sea by the French and went to live in the Caribbean on the island of Hispaniola.

Слайд 7 Early Pirates. Vikings
When the Roman Empire was destroyed,

Early Pirates. VikingsWhen the Roman Empire was destroyed, the people from

the people from Scandinavia became the pirates in power.

These were the Vikings which means "pirate men". Vikings were very talented.

The Viking ships were called a longship and was a long thin ship. This longship moved through the water either by sail and wind, or by slaves who rowed the boat quickly through the water when they were chasing another ship.

Слайд 8 Part 2. Modern Piracy

Part 2. Modern Piracy

Слайд 9 Part 2. Modern Piracy
Piracy has

Part 2. Modern Piracy  Piracy has not gone away.  There

not gone away.  There are still many attacks today. 

One attack occurred on February 26, 1996 near the Philippines Islands.  A fishing boat with 10 crewman on board that was fishing got attacked by two speedboats with two men on each boat.  The speedboats pulled on side of the fishing boat and the pirates in the speedboats pulled out automatic guns and opened fire on the fishing boat.  Nine of the ten crewman got killed.  Jangay Ajinohon got injured in the head but was still able to jump off the boat and swim to safety.  There were 223 other attacks just that year.  Organized efforts to take statistics of these attacks weren't put together until 1992.   Countries near the Pacific and Indian oceans didn't take much care about piracy.  Pirates took this as an advantage so they wouldn't' get caught.  The number of attacks in 1992 was 106 and there were 26 murders and the numbers have been rising ever since.

Слайд 10 Reports of acts of piracy

Reports of acts of piracy

Слайд 11 Piracy off the Somali
Piracy off the Somali

Piracy off the Somali Piracy off the Somali coast has been

coast has been a threat to international shipping since

the beginning of Somalia's civil war in the early 1990s. Since 2005, many international organizations, including the International Maritime Organization and the World Food Programme, have expressed concern over the rise in acts of piracy. Piracy has contributed to a rise in shipping costs and impeded the delivery of food aid shipments. Ninety percent of the World Food Programme's shipments arrive by sea, and ships have required a military escort.According to the Kenyan foreign minister, Somali pirates have received over $150 million (US dollars) in ransom money during the 12 months prior to November 2008.

Russian frigate ‘Fearless’
Russian warship has joined forces with a British one to rebuff a pirate attack on a Danish civilian ship off the coast of Somalia

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  • Количество просмотров: 174
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