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Презентации по Английскому языку

The Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage by UNESCO
The Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage by UNESCO

What is UNESCO?United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was founded by 37 countries on a United Nations Conference on the 16th of November 1945. . UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon

The sights of America
The sights of America

Основополагающий вопрос: Является ли Америка примером прогресса? Is America an example of progress?Проблемный вопрос учебной темы:Что привлекает туристов в Америку? What attracts tourists to America?


Read the definitions and tell what is described in the pictureMARSReddish sky aboveThe vast canyonThe fourth planetThe huge volcanoNamed for the god of war Read the definitions and tell what is described in the pictureNEPTUNEMost windyRings and moonsTakes 160 to go

Sabantui is a national holiday of bashkir people
Sabantui is a national holiday of bashkir people

Sabantui is a yearly national festival held in spring when the fields are ploughed up and sown with corn. Handsome horses and their owners gallop across the maidan for racing.

Методика описания картинки Картинка без запинки
Методика описания картинки Картинка без запинки

Теория решения изобретательских задачТРИЗ опирается на идею системного подхода. Любой объект можно рассматривать как систему – то есть целостное множество элементов в совокупности отношений и связей между ними.Система имеет части (подсистема) и включена в более общую систему (надсистему). Также система динамична,

Sights of London
Sights of London

What place in London is the most beautiful and attractive?The main question London London is one of the most attractive capitals of Europe. It is modern and has a lot of traditions at the same time. The city takes one of

США 7-9 класс
США 7-9 класс

The United States of America50 statesAlaska, Hawaii are not connected to other states276 million people9 million square kilometresEnglish – is the official language Geographical positionis washed by the Pacific Ocean the Atlantic Ocean the Gulf of MexicoGreat Lakes

Subjunctive Mood
Subjunctive Mood

Subjunctive Mood Subjunctive Mood with “wish”


Пояснительная записка.Презентация к уроку «Порядковые числительные» по УМК Биболетовой М.З., «Enjoy English» (3 класс).Цели: активизация новой лексики в устной речи, развитие навыков аудирования, говорения, чтения, обучение практическому использованию приобретенных знаний в устной речи, воспитание интереса к предмету, повышение положительной мотивации.Задачи: повторение

My friends and I
My friends and I

What common do these people have? F. R. I. E. N. D. S

Stray animals
Stray animals

Ethology homeless animalsDonald Griffin - American scientist, professor emeritus of Rockefeller University, back in the 70s made the official recognition of the animal senses, as well as a close similarity ways of thinking and emotional world of man and animal, thus

Football in England
Football in England

Football in England Association football is a national sport in the United Kingdom, where the first modern set of rules for the code were established in 1863, which were a major influence on the development of the modern Laws of the Game. With over 40,000 association

The protection of the environment
The protection of the environment

The protection of the environmentRussia’s faunaBirds and animals in dangerNational parks and nature reservesEcological situation in my home townThe flora and fauna in Oryol and its regionOrlovskoye Poles’yeRules of behaviour in different placesGallery The Earth is our home. We must take

Christmas Tradition
Christmas Tradition

Do you know Christmas ABC? M for the Music, merry and clear; E for the Eve, the crown of the year; R for the Romping of bright girls and boys; R for the Reindeer that bring them the toys; Y for


FACEBOOK Facebook ([ˈfeɪsˌbʊk])-Social Network, founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates while studying at Harvard University, including Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. Thanks to this site Mark Zuckerberg in 1923 became the youngest billionaire.

Agency “Around the World”
Agency “Around the World”

New York CityYou can see the Statue of Liberty.The tour begins with three days in New York, the largest and busiest city in the USA. New York CityYou can visit the city’s museums and spend an evening at Carnegie Hall, one

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