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Презентации по Английскому языку

English-Speaking Countries. New Zealand
English-Speaking Countries. New Zealand

Geographical position National Symbols: the flag and the national emblem


The cause of forest fire are:90 % from people;natural and climatic conditions; Fire is a death

Russia is my country
Russia is my country

Russia is my country. It is the biggest country in the world. Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia. The Urals (the Ural mountains) form a natural border between the continents.

Язык англичанина
Язык англичанина

Понимание англоязычной речи в связи с ее разнообразием вызывают определенные трудности . Английский язык , который мы изучаем как язык международного общения можно услышать в речи лишь 3-5 % населения Британских островов.Остальные имеют произносительные варианты, которые непонятны для изучающих

Степени сравнения прилагательных
Степени сравнения прилагательных

Spring is greenWinter is whiteAutumn is yellowSummer is bright Путешествие на планету «Прилагательное» в страну «Степени сравнения»

New Zealand
New Zealand

FULL COUNTRY NAME : New ZealandCAPITAL: WellingtonPOPULATION: 4,184,521 peoplePEOPLE: 88% Europeans, 12% Maori LANGUAGES: English and MaoriRELIGION: Christian (81%)HEAD OF STATE: Queen Elizabeth II FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Constitutional monarchyLONGEST RIVER: Waikato LARGEST LAKE:

Man-made wonders of the world
Man-made wonders of the world

seven wonders Comprehension Check. Choose the correct answer.1. The only man made object that can be seen from space is ___________ . a. The Greek God Zeus. b. The lighthouse at Alexandria.  c. The Great Wall of China.  d.The Colosseum. 2. The


The weddingThe wedding is one of life’s primeval and surprisingly unchanged rites of passage. Nearly all of the customs we observe today are merely echoes of the past. Everything from the veil, rice, flowers and old shoes to the bridesmaids and

Кровеносные системы
Кровеносные системы

СҰРАҚТАРЫ:Өлшеуіш түрлендіргіштерде түрленетін энергияның формалары. Датчиктердің конструкциясы, олардың негізгі сипаттамалары. Ағзаның өмір сүруіндегі көріністерін оқып үйренудегі пайдаланылатын техникалық құралдар Биологиялық жүйелерде энергияның формалары және олардың түрленуі «Тірі ағзалардың термодинамикасы» бөлімінде қарастырылады.

Жизнь бабочки
Жизнь бабочки

This butterfly is laying eggs on parsley. Look! It is a parsley worm.…crunch…crunch…crunch…It’s yummy! …munch…munch…munch…It’s tasty!A larva, or a caterpillar, is multi-legged eating machine.It eats all day long. It crunches and munches.

Holidays in great Britain
Holidays in great Britain

What holidays in Great Britain do you know? Halloween Valentines Day New Year Christmas Many festivals and holidays in Britain are very old. Every town, village in Britain has its own traditions, some of them are carefully

British Holidays
British Holidays

English people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December on the 31st of December on the 7th of January English people celebrate Halloween on the 30th of November on the 31st of October on the first Sunday of October

World Animal Day
World Animal Day

Aye-ayeAye-aye, a mammal of a suborder of semimonkeys; the unique representative of Aye-ayes’ family. The length of a body is 40 sm, the length of a tail is 60 sm, a muzzle is short; the ears are large. The tail is

Natural disasters
Natural disasters

Tornado Tornado - monstrously narrow rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm cloud to the ground. As the wind is invisible, you can not always see a tornado. Visible sign - funnel consisting of water droplets, sometimes items throughout


Red-lipped fish — swallow This unusual fish that live in the Galapagos Islands, is actually a lousy swimmer! The fish has legs instead of fins and so she walks on the ocean floor! Fish PACUThis fish lives off the

Gap year in Russia
Gap year in Russia

- A Gap year is an expression associated with taking time out to travel between life stages. It is also known as a sabbatical, time off, time out and a year out, referring to a period of time. - Students, who take a year out before going to

The Passive Voice (Страдательный залог) 9 класс
The Passive Voice (Страдательный залог) 9 класс

Залог – это форма глагола, которая показывает: сам предмет или лицо выполняют действие (действительный залог) или действие производится над предметом или лицом (страдательный залог). Например: Ann painted a picture yesterday. (Active voice) The picture was painted by Ann yesterday.

Модальные глаголы
Модальные глаголы

Какие модальные глаголы мы уже выучили?WollenKonnenMogenDurfenSollenmussenБыть должнымМочь, уметьХотеть, желатьЛюбитьМочь, иметь разрешениеБыть обязанным Спряжение модальных глаголовWollenIch will wir wollenDu willst ihr wolltErSie will sie wollenes

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