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Презентации по Английскому языку

Landscape paintings
Landscape paintings

Our life seems to be impossible without art. It really occupies an important part in our daily life. Also it makes our life brighter, richer and more intellectual. So, art units different people, influences the development of personality, makes our world

Вежливость открывает все двери
Вежливость открывает все двери

Вежливость открывает все двери…эта английская пословица приобретает сегодня особую актуальностьЗадача современной школы в соответствии с ФГОС - подготовить выпускника, обладающего необходимым набором современных знаний, умений и качеств, позволяющих ему уверенно чувствовать себя в самостоятельной жизни. Социальная компетентность в современном обществе означает

Моя семья
Моя семья

BigLongTallFastCleanFunnyBeautifulWarmfatSmallShortLowSlowDirtySadUglyColdslim What arethey?

Russian holidays
Russian holidays

Calendar of holidays1.New Year- January,12.Christmas-January,73.Fatherland Defender’s Day-February,234.Women’s Day –March,85.Maslenitsa 6.Easter7.May Day( Spring and Labor Day)-May,18.Victory Day-May,99.Russia Day-June,1210.Day of Knowledge-September,111.Unity Day-November,411.Mother’s Day-November,the last Sunday

Интерьер кухни
Интерьер кухни

1. Тимчасовий режим 2. Вибори до Установчих зборів 21 жовтня 1945 р. Внутрішня та зовнішня політика 3. Конституція 1946 р. 4. Специфіка економічного розвитку в період Четвертої республіки 5. Політична криза 1947 р. 6 Правління Едуара Даладьє 7.


SZENE 1 Maus : Ich bin grau, ich bin klein, niemand komm zu mir herein.Ich bin alleine, ich weine und weine… Tuk-tuk-tuk. Maus : Wer ist das

Welcome to Aiesec Belarus
Welcome to Aiesec Belarus

Aiesec AIESEC — международная молодежная организация, помогающая получить новый опыт, развить профессиональные навыки и личностные качества, благодаря участию в организации проектов и международных программах обмена.   AIESEC объединяет активную молодежь со 124 стран мира. Участники организации — это студенты и выпускники, которые каждый день


Tag-questions(разделительные вопросы) Структурно они состоят из двух частей: повествовательного предложения и краткого вопросаTom can swim well, can’t he?Если повествовательная часть утвердительна, то вопрос отрицателен и наоборот.−,+ He can’t skate, can he?+,− He can skate, can’t

Women at War
Women at War

On the ninth of May in 2010 people all over the world will celebrate the 65th anniversary of victory over the fascists. World War II brought a lot of sufferings and hardships to thousands of people. But most of all women


Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963) was an American poet. He is well known for his realistic writings of rural life and his use of American informal (slang) speech. His poems were often set in rural life

Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs What are phrasal verbs?Phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of a verb and a particle

James Cook
James Cook

EARLY LIFE 1728 - 1755James Cook was born in 1728 in Marton, England. His father was a farm worker who allowed James to apprentice on coal carrying boats at the age of eighteen. While working in the North Sea, Cook

The project about styles of clothes
The project about styles of clothes

These days most people in the world do not wear very formal clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right thing. Many British and Russian people don't think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable.At the


Sonny John MooreSonny John Moore born January, 15 1988 better known by his stage name Skrillex, is an American electronic dance music producer, DJ, and singer-songwriter. Skrillex was nominated for five awards "Grammy" in 2011, including «Best New Artist»He was awarded

How Do Teens Express Their Individuality?
How Do Teens Express Their Individuality?

Listening Young people have a particular with the world. There are many groupings (subcultures) that have interests different from those of the mainstream culture. A particular cultural grouping is a way for young people to express their individuality. menu

Mykola Amosov
Mykola Amosov

Mykola Amosov (December 6, 1913, Cherepovets, Russian Empire – December 12, 2002, Kiev, Ukraine) was an Ukrainian doctor, heart surgeon, inventor, known for his inventions of several surgical procedures for treating heart defects. He was the recipient of multiple Orders including

Plans for the weekend
Plans for the weekend

Match the words that rhyme RedHatKissedGreenLaughWhoseShortListMeanShoesSaidThatBoughtHalf Red-saidHat- thatKissed-listGreen-meanLaugh-halfWhose-shoesShort-boughtMatch the words that rhyme

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